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passenger rear left hand door wont open.

key turns, little pull up thing pulls up and down, interior door opener handle pulls, but door wont open.

Apart from slashing the interior trim to get to the mechanism, any ideas how to get the door to open ? :mad:
passenger rear left hand door wont open.

key turns, little pull up thing pulls up and down, interior door opener handle pulls, but door wont open.

Apart from slashing the interior trim to get to the mechanism, any ideas how to get the door to open ? :mad:

Any time I have had stuck doors it's a panel off case, and get into it with a torch.

Does it feel and sound like the bits inside are working, compare it with the other side, nothing stuck in the door, seatbelt etc, tried pushing the door closed as you open it, and tried swearing at it.
passenger rear left hand door wont open.

key turns, little pull up thing pulls up and down, interior door opener handle pulls, but door wont open.

Apart from slashing the interior trim to get to the mechanism, any ideas how to get the door to open ? :mad:

One other thing, if it has a child lock then the inside lock wont work so it's the button outside thats faulty. It aint stuck in a bit, might need pulled out to let the lock work.

That's it run out of ideas.
its not the button type, got the pull up lever thingie. be honest it feels like some link bar in the door aint linking where it supposed to be or somthing.
problem is i dont see a way to get the panel off without having to cut it or ruin it.
its not the button type, got the pull up lever thingie. be honest it feels like some link bar in the door aint linking where it supposed to be or somthing.
problem is i dont see a way to get the panel off without having to cut it or ruin it.

Can you get in to release the child lock with a coat hanger or sumat, then use the inside handle to get it open.
you can unscrew the panel without unbolting the door normally.


you could take a BIG phillips head screwdriver, preferably on a air ratchet, and then unscrew the hinges. the nuts are mounted on a plate behind, so unscrew them and then pull the hinge side of the door, and the door pops off.


Can't you open the door from the outside?

If you've got lift up door handles, and its the back door, they don't have a key barrel in them though, do they? My old 110 didn't have them.

Let us know what you find

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