
Active Member
Hi all

i went to turn my defender round on the path yesterday. i put it in reverse an lift the clutch and there was a loude thud from the read end, i heared there rear wheel drive so i thaught it was just the diffs catc hing. do i carried on reversing and i heared a nother thud. should i be worried about this?

Im totaly new to landrovers this is my first one so im sorry for all the enoying questions ha ha

thanks in advance

defenders are 4 wheel drive but your thud could be many things.

worn bearings, diff problems etc.

or maybe you just ran something over ;)

bit more info would prob help here, have you had any other noises from the rear recently? squealing, vibrations?
what state are your rear axle bushes in? could be slop in the radius arm bushes maybe, get under neath and havea good poke around with a big flat head screw driver or a small crow bar and look for excessive movement in all the bushes.
defenders are 4 wheel drive but your thud could be many things.

worn bearings, diff problems etc.

or maybe you just ran something over ;)

bit more info would prob help here, have you had any other noises from the rear recently? squealing, vibrations?

no thats the only noise i hear at the moment. the thing had been layed up for 2 an half years before i had it. i put a thread up about a leak on the rear diff. do you think they would need topping up?
what state are your rear axle bushes in? could be slop in the radius arm bushes maybe, get under neath and havea good poke around with a big flat head screw driver or a small crow bar and look for excessive movement in all the bushes.

ill get some pictures ip of the rear axle bushes an stuff. its going in for its MOT soon so i should have the thing on to road soon :D i cant wait hahaha

thanks for the replys :)
ok so finaly i got some videoes up of the sound the rear end is making. you hear the thud every time i lift the clutch. if i lift the clutch reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaly slow its nice and smooth without a sound.

from the inside..

and here it is from the rear..

hope this helps :)

is it only when you set off? or on every full rotation of the wheel. my guess is UJ's...again! they clang until the slack is tacken up. or worn bushes holding the rear axle on. UJ's are at the end of the prop and are always a good place to start. they will be obvious if their knackered.

it may also be something inside the drum brake which has come loose too
is it only when you set off? or on every full rotation of the wheel. my guess is UJ's...again! they clang until the slack is tacken up. or worn bushes holding the rear axle on. UJ's are at the end of the prop and are always a good place to start. they will be obvious if their knackered.

it may also be something inside the drum brake which has come loose too

yeah it only make that noise when starting off. its not on the road yet so i dont dare leave my street to try all the gears. knowing my luck the police would be passing by , next thing my lanny is a cube :(

thanks fro the reply ill give it a look see :)
considering you don't know what it is i would say yes. it may be something really important!! like the brakes or something!
i been reading up an it come up a few times about the ball joint. also somthing ill look into.

would anyone say the clunk is doing damage? is it a priority to be changed?


Another thing to check is yer flanges. Jack up yer wheel, take the rubber hub cap thingy off, rock yer wheel back and forth to see if ye've any play between the flange and drive shaft.
If it turns out tae be yer A-frame balljoint then this might give ye an idea...


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