
Well-Known Member
Hi guys and gals,

I have fitted a switch on my rear door (same as those found on the fronts).

I want it to operate the interior lights and also be part of the 10AS alarm. Anybody know where I need to cable back to? I'm guessing the 10AS, so has anybody got the pin outs for it?

Ta muchly
Haha at the minute id welcome that! Clutch issues :(

Cant be assed to wire them all back in, the fronts are missing anyway and the rears not wired in but the alarm thinks a doors open so wont fully arm..
Basically you can wire as many switches as you like. For anyone else finding this thread just connect a wire to the existing door switch wire and connect this to the door switch. The switches connect the circuit to ground when the door opens. Connecting the rear door is a good idea as it turns on the light which is useful but also if you have an alarm it will activate that too (so long as the alarm is current sensing).

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