Top Banana. Cheers DannyTD4, I'll have a squiz at those in Halfords this week, and let you know how I get on with the cables too.

Half the battle is that I am not electronically minded wiring wise, I've never had the need to be, but I'm determined to learn as much as I can as I am sick of paying silly little garage bills for trivial stuff. I've done it for years, any issues with any cars I've owned, I usually just pop them round to the garage and let them sort it.

Needless to say, when I had to ring Green Flag out about three weeks ago as my starter motor was playing up, The guy just turned up, told me to start the car, it made a clattering noise, and he just said, oh, you need a new starter motor. He didn't even examine it. I mooched about on the net and phone for a new starter motor, comparing prices for a full day.

It's only when I decided on the spur of the moment to do a bit of an investigation myself, and found that the spade fitting connector on the back of the starter motor was just about hanging on. I took it off, cleaned the terminal and pushed the spade fitting on really tight. Needless to say, I got in the car, turned the ignition key, and it started first time, and it's been fine ever since! I was fuming! I could have taken it into some kind of dodgy garage where instead of telling me about the loose wire, they could have just fitted a new starter motor for no reason, and charged me loads of dosh for parts and labour!

That's what has given me the kick up the rump to do more for myself if and where I can.

Thanks again Pal.
Top Banana. Cheers DannyTD4, I'll have a squiz at those in Halfords this week, and let you know how I get on with the cables too.

Half the battle is that I am not electronically minded wiring wise, I've never had the need to be, but I'm determined to learn as much as I can as I am sick of paying silly little garage bills for trivial stuff. I've done it for years, any issues with any cars I've owned, I usually just pop them round to the garage and let them sort it.

Needless to say, when I had to ring Green Flag out about three weeks ago as my starter motor was playing up, The guy just turned up, told me to start the car, it made a clattering noise, and he just said, oh, you need a new starter motor. He didn't even examine it. I mooched about on the net and phone for a new starter motor, comparing prices for a full day.

It's only when I decided on the spur of the moment to do a bit of an investigation myself, and found that the spade fitting connector on the back of the starter motor was just about hanging on. I took it off, cleaned the terminal and pushed the spade fitting on really tight. Needless to say, I got in the car, turned the ignition key, and it started first time, and it's been fine ever since! I was fuming! I could have taken it into some kind of dodgy garage where instead of telling me about the loose wire, they could have just fitted a new starter motor for no reason, and charged me loads of dosh for parts and labour!

That's what has given me the kick up the rump to do more for myself if and where I can.

Thanks again Pal.
Allot of people do the same as you, without them people garages would no longer be needed it will simply be MOT test stations and nothing else lol.

Sometimes just taking a bit if time to investigate could save you thousands over the years.

Electrics I'm not great, give me a stereo and and subs I'm OK, give me normal light bulbs and hid kits, it speaks for itself.

Some things are easy but allot of stuff I won't even try because I don't know what I'm doing..

I took the dash out of a Pajero today, checked all the bulbs and stuff that's easy stuff but give me rewiring or dodgey earth's and I don't know where to start lol.

I'm doing a Cam belt, coolant flush, water pump, oil and filter, air filter, pollen filter, turbo breather filter, fuel filter etc etc the full works in the week saving a whopping £1200 garage bill and I'll be fine but ask me to find out why that light doesn't work and I don't know haha.

You're welcome anyway mate, if I can help I will, that's what these communities are all about, saving you a small fortune on jobs a garage would charge hundreds for.
Cheers buddy, I'll be in touch soon, might need a couple of pointers re the cables. :)

Thanks again, I'll call into a breakers this week and grab a courtesy light, they'll be peanuts I'm sure.
If you can find one in the breakers, I know round here there are none at all.

Sure I'll be waiting have a good evening.

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