
New Member
Just wondering how many miles the average freelander rear diff would cover / if it is likly to need changing on mine.

I have a 2001 Y reg, that has been nothing but a money pit since i got it. On the plus side it had a fully reconned engine with 17,000 on it when I picked it up, but the car has 110,000 on it overall.

Having spent alot of money putting it right (dodgy MOT cert) It now looks as though I will be replacing the IRD unit. I then have the option of 2wd and not having to shell out for vc / rear diff - but was wondering if the diff would still be much use ?

I paid 1900 for the car, but it does have a full LPG conversion, so I am hoping to get 20,000 out of it before I sell it on (making back my money in fuel saving) I am just wondering if i go to the trouble of replacing both ird and VC is it likely that the diff will last to 130,000 odd ??? or am i better of just running it 2wd on the new ird - as this way i should get the 20,000 out of it no worries.

main reason for getting it was for the large boot area for mountain bikes to fit in, and figured 4wd would come in handy for when we are in the forest etc... but its more of a nice to have, not a must have
If the IRD has/is failed/failing then it is likely that the additional stresses have been passed down the drive train through the VCU to the Rear Diff. Good practice and (if intended) logevity of ownership suggests that replacing the VCU and rear diff could be a jolly good idea - all be it an expensive one. (I should know having just done the same on my 51 plate ES with 138k miles on the clock)

However; if you don't mind living with a 2WD Land Rover and want to save some scheckles, then remove the prop and reattach when you want to sell it - cynical, I realise, but there we are..
thanks of rth einput - my mechanic has replaced the rear diff mount now, whcih apparently has stopped the majority of the concerning noise ! he now thinks that all that is casuing an odd noise is the front drivers hub, so will be replacing that next week.

as the VC has 110,000 on it, i will be looking to get this replaced I reckon, as this should hopefully then see me through.

i have read that it is possible to get a "loose" reconditioned VC, that still operate the 4wd, but only lightly, so still good for snow etc.. but no good for extreme off roading / towing - as I do neither of these I am considering going down this road, I was jjust wondering if anyone had any experience / thoughts on this ????

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