
New Member
This morning whilst driving into work I noticed a slight clonk on changing gears. I thought here we go again bushes on the rear diff gone yet again!
Then once I got on to the works car park I was forced to reverse about 30 metres which was fine until I had to turn at the end then I got a bad sort of cogs slipping sound. Just as i was about to brake. Does this sound like my rear diff?
mornin Darrnw.

I will pre-empt the others by saying "not if yu are in Holland!"

sounds like diff to me but wot car and gearbox yu got?

hidehi - another one bites the - oops - I aint sayin nuffink;)
I'm skint at the minute! I know it needs doing but probably not the best time for it, it has been an expensive few months!:mad: I am planning on dropping the propshaft off and driving in two wheel drive for a while. I take it that if it is the diff that is gone that is the only thing that will knacker up further if I do that? I have checked the VCU a few weeks ago by turning 1 rear wheel off the floor and that seemed to perform as it should( the wheel turned slowly without the front digging in)
Got under the car last night intending to take the prop off only to discover I had a bolt missing from one off the diff mounts which was causing it to rattle about like a good un. Replaced the bolt (left the prop on) and it's not making any more noises. To double check the VCU I spray painted a line on the prop either side of the VCU took it for a spin on a gravel road got home checked and they no longer line up :D so that is definately not seized. To say I am made up is an understatement. Since joining this forum I have become paranoid whenever I hear a noise or whatever on the car I am an instant pessimist and think it's the worst!
Darrnw said:
Got under the car last night intending to take the prop off only to discover I had a bolt missing from one off the diff mounts which was causing it to rattle about like a good un. Replaced the bolt (left the prop on) and it's not making any more noises. To double check the VCU I spray painted a line on the prop either side of the VCU took it for a spin on a gravel road got home checked and they no longer line up :D so that is definately not seized. To say I am made up is an understatement. Since joining this forum I have become paranoid whenever I hear a noise or whatever on the car I am an instant pessimist and think it's the worst!

Take the rear prop assembly off anyway. Its twice the car to drive without it, much nicer. Mind you I did look a pratt bogged down on the grass verge at my kids footie game on Sunday. Fortunately a Focus with amazing grip was able to rescue me.:eek: :D
The Mad Hat Man said:
surely now is the time of year yu mite need 4wd? I can understand in summer - but surely not now?

I took mine off as part of a process of elimination for my vibration problem. It's so much better in 2wd I left it like it. Well that and I'm too lazy to get back under there in the rain.:eek: :D

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