
Hello all, I come to seek your help once again with what I think could be a problem with my rear diff

Land Rover 1989 Ninety - Jacked up passenger side wheel to spin prop to allow access to bolts to remove them. I was able to spin the wheel freely until it suddenly locked up. Won't move forward or backwards.

Jacked up the other wheel and am able to spin a little bit until it also "locks up". In the video you can see me turn the wheel forward, try to turn it backwards a few times but it won't go, turn it forwards again and then it does turn backwards, only to lock up.

So....would you guys say my diff is knackered or is it something else like the drum brakes binding?
do you have drums on the back? shoes could be catching?
was it driving fine prior to taking the prop off and jacking the wheel up?
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