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Hello all!

Been bolting bits on to my recently purchased 06 TD5, and the last bit to go on (for now:D) is the rear cross member chequer plate. This does'nt come with a fixing kit so I was wondering what size/type of bolts to use, if a kit is available, and if so where to get them. It's a Mammouth part if that makes any difference.
Pics to follow!
Why would you fit chequer plate to the cross member? I thought people just fitted these to cover nasty corrosion? I know when I was looking for my first defender i spotted those like this. Also if you fit it then mud and dirt could get trapped behind and encourage rust if you dont already have it.
I took mine off, too much sand/grit/moisture to get trapped..
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Why don't you strip it back to bear metal & put salt water on it everyday for the next 6 months till it fall's apart.
chequer plate is a really good way to de value your vehicle and ruin your chassis not to mention it looks really gay
chequer plate is a really good way to de value your vehicle and ruin your chassis not to mention it looks really gay

Oi, ive just ordered a bonnet and wings kit. :(

Does that mean im now a dedicated follower of fashion? :eek:
I just taken mine off and most of the cross member came with it. Looks Wise I dont think it looks gay but it's a personal preference. Quite like the look of them NAS angled tow bar bumpers that go on the rear crossmember.
I think they are great - without it - I'd have never have gone mines through it's MOT! New quarter chassis coming soon though - but it chqr plate won't be going back on!
Personally I wouldn't buy a landy if it had chequer plate on the cross member, I'd be suspicious of what it was hiding, plus it looks nasty.
Will the aluminium chequer plate not react with the steel chassis? I have a rear tub floor, wings tops in chequer plate but on the chassis, not for me personally.
Its your landy do what you want to, not what everyone else has. Make it personalised to you. If chequer plating is your thing, go for it.
Chequer plate directly onto the chassis member? mmmmm You'll have your very own ready made battery. Why not try to harness that power and use it to constantly trickle charge your own battery. Now THAT is a selling point!

Trying to stay out of the politics of this, but i would suggest making sure your crossmember is as sound as a pound, no rust or trapped crap. Then paint it again with half a dozen coats of chassis black, not Hamerite, just to make sure. Then suggest you use proper bolts (not rivets or self tappers) that will be easily removed later to allow for cleaning/maintenance/re-painting on a regular basis, coz sure as eggs are eggs you will be doing this more often than any other part of your chassis.

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