
New Member
I have just bought a 2000 FL1 1.8,, rear brakes were sticking badly so after reading a few of the threads on here,,decided to have a look.. last night,,jacked up the rear and the drivers wheel was solid whilst the passenger would move slightly,, stripped the drum and all looked to be ok other than it being adjusted way too much,,so after backing it off and re building,,the wheel spins freely as it should be expected.... HOWEVER,,today,,the car wont move without an awful lot of grunt and seemingly,,the wheels are locked up again......

Question and maybe a daft question for those in the know,,, are the adjusters sided,,ie,,can the be fitted on the wrong side making them work incorectly???
When mine were sticking last year i stipped them out cleaned them with brake cleaner put them back in and they were still sticking ,then i noticed a little lever that wasnt moving its full travel so put a little grease on it freed it up and they have been fine:D
From memory there is a lever at the bottom of the assembly which connects to the handbrake cable. This is all visible if you take off the roadwheel and rear wheel drum. It can all appear ok but the lever may be partially operated or stuck in position. With mine I had to use an old chisel and hammer to tap the lever back in to place I had to apply a loosening agent to help. I finally had a mechanism which moved freely back and forward. I think my problem had been worsened by the fact mine is an auto, so the handbrake was rarely used. Remember to apply a little grease to prevent this in the future.
would an incorrect adjuster cause it to lock up in less than 12 hours??? all moving parts were cleaned and lubricated before rebuilding... sadly,, we ve had a storm tonight so have nt had chance to get the wheels off again but will be doing in the morning hopefully

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