
Well-Known Member
The rear ashtray wont stay closed, wonder if the wee lever no 1 in pic needs a spring to work with the bit of tray (2 in pic)

yep...super glue and eventually a replacement for £3.00 won on the bay of flea was my solution:crazy_driver:...In my humble opinion, the rear ashtray is singularly the worst piece of interior trim to adorn the P38...as for switchgear, quite definitely the HEVAC!!!!!
The rear ashtray is c**p. Apart from that when is anyone, especially whilst wearing a seatbelt, going to use it?
Every time I had to take the central section out I had nightmares trying to get it all lined up again so that the lid would open and close and that d**n ashtray would work. One of these days I'm going to think of something worthwhile to fit in it's place.
A dispenser for lace Durex would be more useful.
The rear ashtray is c**p. Apart from that when is anyone, especially whilst wearing a seatbelt, going to use it?
Every time I had to take the central section out I had nightmares trying to get it all lined up again so that the lid would open and close and that d**n ashtray would work. One of these days I'm going to think of something worthwhile to fit in it's place.
A dispenser for lace Durex would be more useful.

Extra large of course.
My front one wouldn't stay closed, annoyed the **** out of me and spent ages trying to fix it then one day by chance whilst hoovering round about it decided to stay closed. I just blow all the stoor out now so that it wont open again.
The rear ashtray is c**p. Apart from that when is anyone, especially whilst wearing a seatbelt, going to use it?
Every time I had to take the central section out I had nightmares trying to get it all lined up again so that the lid would open and close and that d**n ashtray would work. One of these days I'm going to think of something worthwhile to fit in it's place.
A dispenser for lace Durex would be more useful.
And it doesn't even have a ciggy lighter to power my coolbox:mad:
I'm tempted to drill the lid and fit a socket then glue the lid closed.
Yes i know it's an old post but problem sorted,

3 year old granddaughter showed me how :eek:

Force lid a little extra open then close, works every time now :rolleyes:

Papa, you have the best car in the world - can I try the horn again?

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