Fitted mine a few weeks ago, had to cut some of the registration plate away. You also need a special rivnet gun in order to fit, not a rivet gun. Borrow one from your local garage. Pete.
Rivnuts can be attached using a bolt and nuts to tighten them up and fix them in place. Have a look on youtube, plenty of how to's on there for it. But it can be a PITA, the special gun makes it easier to do obviously.
Cheers guys, I can honestly say that not one single job, big or small on my td5 has gone without being a pain in the ass. Consequently the special rivet gun may be my friend!
Fitted mine a few weeks ago, had to cut some of the registration plate away. You also need a special rivnet gun in order to fit, not a rivet gun. Borrow one from your local garage. Pete.

Hi Pete,
Do you know the name of said special rivet gun?
Cheers gents, good video (no sound for some reason) and thanks for the eBay link. Ordered and will be on next weeks job :)
I used normal rivets in the top 2 fixings and s/s nuts and bolts in the lower 2, need to different lengths as one goes though the inner and outer skins of the door and other only the other skin. I also had to move my number plate down.
Fitted mine today with no problems :p

my registration plate was also in the way... so rather than cut it and make it look crap, I just moved it down 5mm like any sane person would do....

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