Double check your springs are on right. Check that the pads are centred - there's quite a lot that can move around on the backplate making refitting difficult. Snail cams - if you "undo" them all the way the last 1/16th of a turn or so actually forces the shoes back out again.

Even after all that horsing around I still had to put a slight shamfer on new shoes to make them fit properly. New ones tend not to be shamfered but I think original ones were?
heard a rumour on the grapevine that the shoe manufacturers have changed the tooling from imperial to metric, and as a result slightly over size shoe is the outcome.
had this problem before, shagged a set of shoes by grinding the contact points for the cylinder and pivot only to find the radius is different and the shoe lining only contacted the drum at the leading and trailing edges.
ended up turning the drum out.
would be interesting to know what the garages do with this?
couple of pics on ours, during investigation work.
the tolerance between eight shoes was crap.
these are "allmakes", if it helps anypne else.

Had a basterd of a job getting a good pedal on my s1, with new shoes, in the end i cut a window in an old drum an had a look to see what was happening, shoe was out of shape by about 5 mm at one end, it would be worn out before it bedded in, in the end i fitted a set of s/h shoes fitted spot on, I will now look for NOS shoes or linings
I finally managed to get everything back together yesterday.

After bleeding the brakes, the pedal still needs to be pumped to get them to work. Looks like the next job is a new master cylinder.

What is the easiest way of getting to the bottom bolt that holds the cylinder to the bracket? I can't see an easy way to undo it with the bracket in place, but I may be missing something.
...What is the easiest way of getting to the bottom bolt that holds the cylinder to the bracket? I can't see an easy way to undo it with the bracket in place, but I may be missing something.

I couldn't do that either and in the end took the whole box off. This was quite easy and I wish i'd started off doing that.
What is the part number for a master cylinder for a '72 88in single line system?

I can't find it listed on paddocks spares who I have an account with.

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