I am new to LZ and can't even figure out how to post a question, any help would be appreciated.

Click Forums on the top toolbar and you get a list of all the sections, select the section you want which will bring up the list of threads in that section starting with the one with the newest post.

To start a new thread click 'post new thread' at the top right of the page.
Click Forums on the top toolbar and you get a list of all the sections, select the section you want which will bring up the list of threads in that section starting with the one with the newest post.

To start a new thread click 'post new thread' at the top right of the page.
Got it, thanks. Think I'll change my name to 'slow'
I think I've got it how I want it now. At a page level I've....
  • Got rid of the coloured background I can't get on with.
  • Got rid of the oversized header at the top of the page.
  • Stopped the small header being fixed so there's more room for content (I'm usually opening links in new tabs so don't need to navigate that much).
  • Got rid of the Social Media bar - was just clutter to me and I paste plenty of links to LZ on Facebook.
  • Kept the Navigation bar - might be useful, but I may get rid at some point.
  • Kept the Google Ads - want to get rid, but it helps LZ
At a post level I've...
  • Got rid of all highlighting/background colours.
  • Kept the poster details to the left allowing messages to follow directly under each other and take less space (height/scrolling) on the screen.
  • Shifted post links to the right for the same reasons.
  • The details about the poster are useful, but generally only for new people I don't recognise, so I've made the pop up on the right when I hover over the posters name or avitar (see 3rd post in pic below).
This works really well for me. I always view full screen, so the message content spreads out to the page width unlike in this pic. I'll turn my attention to the forum post listings etc pages, but I'm really happy with this so far.

If anyone's interested in this, this is a link to my config http://www.mydocz.com/Landie/userContent.css.
For info on how to install it, this is where I found the info (the Help menu is now on the '3 horizontal bar' button in the top left of the screen and the '?' button from there) https://ffeathers.wordpress.com/2013/03/10/how-to-override-css-stylesheets-in-firefox/.
This works in FireFox, other browsers may have similar ways of overriding styling.

My Firefox just installed an update - and my styling changes all stopped working - aahhhh!

I looked into it and my config changes in userContent.css were all still there and in the correct location - but they wouldn't work. After lots of searching, I eventually came across this link....


Towards the bottom of the comments it makes reference to a "browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2" setting. The update must have automatically set this to True. Changing the setting to False has got my styling back and I'm a happy guy again.

I don't know if anyone else has got their own overrides for the site, but if you do and they've stopped working, have a look at that link, it worked for me.
well it looks like i going to have to try and get technical cos i hate the new layout the old one was so easy to follow a thread now it just seems so much work will persevere as the posts from folk are superb
i do however wish this site was more like rangerovers.net that i also use and find v v easy to use
regards kev
well it looks like i going to have to try and get technical cos i hate the new layout the old one was so easy to follow a thread now it just seems so much work will persevere as the posts from folk are superb
i do however wish this site was more like rangerovers.net that i also use and find v v easy to use
regards kev
With 15 posts?
so i only post when i feel i have something relevant to add many post many garbage posts does that make them better than me ?
well it looks like i going to have to try and get technical cos i hate the new layout the old one was so easy to follow a thread now it just seems so much work will persevere as the posts from folk are superb
i do however wish this site was more like rangerovers.net that i also use and find v v easy to use
regards kev

Not sure what you find difficult about it, but you only have to click on the "watch thread" and you will get notics about it.

i think what i am strugleing with most of all is being able to easily find the threads relevant to my problems but i will persevere as lots of good info when i do find it lol.
common to all the forums i never seem to get the results i am looking for when i use the search facility /
regards kev
i think what i am strugleing with most of all is being able to easily find the threads relevant to my problems but i will persevere as lots of good info when i do find it lol.
common to all the forums i never seem to get the results i am looking for when i use the search facility /
regards kev
Best get on your soapbox and post a thread kev. It won't get any more relavant than that and plenty of help will be forthcoming. Ambiguous thread titles are prevalent so searching can be hit and miss.
You have to read your reply notifications. If you don't read one, you don't get the next one. But i recently discovered that the original notification will still be there in unread watched threads.

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