
New Member
What sort of TV reality shows do you have in the UK.

We have been inundated with crappy reality shows for the past couple of years, always on peak TV time. Do you have the some problem there?
southern highlands in NSW yer say, would that be near the " bonang highway' par chance
Haven't heard of the "Bonang Highway" ... we're headed towards Goulburn, sheep country. (Yea, I'm waiting for the ensuing jokes!) We live close the the Belanglo State Forest where Ivan Milat & some other sicko (who the judge is adamant was also involved, but unfortunately, they can't work out who Milat's accomplice was), kidnapped & tortured about 7 young backpackes. Sick bastards. In most cases, he & who ever else was involved, stabbed them in the lower spine to render them incapacitated, then proceeded to torture them, sexually & otherwise, until they finally killed them. So be warned, if you're thinking of coming to Aussie, don't hitchhike. The poor hitchhikers were under the misconception they would be safe, being picked up by two people. One former copy who worked on the case thought it may have been his sister. (Considering he had 8 or so brothers, & half the packpackers gear was found on the various family member's properties, wouldn't surprise me). It was only because that Pommie bloke "Paul Onions" read about it in the news in the UK & made repeated calls to the cops in Aussie, after having a near miss when picked up hitchhiking to Canberra & managed to get out of the 4WD & flag down a motorist who took him to the nearest police station. Typically of the Aussie Feds, they lost his statement! If it wasn't for his testimony, the bastard would still be running around loose.

On another note, they recently found another body disposed of in the same way Milat left his previous victims in the bush, so the latest speculation is his "partner" who they believe wasn't the dominant partner of the killing spree, may be still at it. Unfortunately, couldnt get any further info as to where the body was found.

Beautiful country down here, with plenty of 4WD'ing close to home. Only snag, I have to commute every day to the cesspool of Sydney by train. Two hours there & two hours back. Still, it's worth it, couldn't stand to live in Suburbia with the hordes of dickheads.

southern highlands in NSW yer say, would that be near the " bonang highway' par chance
Tell me about it, got to change to bottom radiator hose, springs need replacing, needs the timing done & the dual fuel tank is full of kero in the hope of cleaning it out, cause whenever switched fuel tanks, it was that badly gunged up, caused havoc & wouldn't run properly. Now have it bypassed to the good tank, but going to have to reroute it & put in a switch to change over tanks. Does it ever end???

Got to get it sorted soon though, as am planning a two day trip to Awaba (near Newcastle), rocky ****, then the Sunday at Stockton beach. So guess I'd better get my act together!

Yes, yes we do, ALOT! :( why watch tv when you can play with landy

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