I only nibble ladies bottoms..tis quite nice for all concerned me finds...

And all the good bacon gets sent to the bloody UK...we're left with streaky...its a scandal.
With smaller or less busy forums it can lead to the main threads almost being made redundant as people use the chat facility instead of posting on the threads. And as storm says it wouldn't work on LZ cos the forum is too busy.

Sticking a chat function on the main page for everyone to use who visits would turn into a mess too quickly, it wouldn't be able to be moderated at all unless someone sits in it full time and that's not what it's all about.

Couple of things though;

The chat function should have a limit to those registered on the site, we have alot of traffic through here, but the majority are guests, on any given day looking at the stats, it's a 70/30% for guests against registered users.

Limit the registered user to 50 posts or more before using a chat function, this will help eliminate the majority of spammers, those who register to post spam within a chat area. Your chatroom name will be the name you use on the forum, not sure how to implement this, but it would be a good idea, again to reduce spam and identity theft ( people pretending to be other people within the chatroom )

The chat shouldn't replace the posts, certain rules, no advisories, should be put up regarding what the chatroom is, link it via the Anything Goes section, it's there as a social area, not as a technical helpline.

Alot can be achieved through the chat option, at one point ( 4-5 years ago ) IRC was the dominant way in which the internet worked until PHpbb forums began to come through, this produced ways to make information more permanent, but IRC still to this day is popular due to it's real time communication, but it's become more popular with ' chatrooms ' which can be monitored within a website.

It may turn out to be dead on it's feet or it may turn out to be popular, but whichever way, it needs to self run itself and have some restrictions so that those who use it are those that regular visit the site as registered users, also it can help bring more registered users to the site.

Another point to add is the traffic regulations through any sub section to the site, i don't know the costs etc and each chatroom on a site has a limit of people able to use it due to bandwidth etc, perhaps a separate server for it?
Limiting the number of people in a chat room might work. There's no reason why you would need to have a single room; the code for the chat page only needs one exttra parameter to allow multiple rooms to be used; even allowing users to create their own rooms if so desired.

If moderation is to be used then that does imply a team working to cover the rooms most of the time and that seems a little much to expect. It may well detract from some of the threads though.

You could possibly include audio if you wished. The bandwidth required would be higher but it would also mean that a feature is present in the chat rooms that is not available elsewhere... ie live chat.

Advantages and disadvantages certainly... an interesting idea though.
Chat rooms wud undermine the integrity of the concept of forum based help sites imo.... i feel dizzy :D:D
You may be right.... on the other hand... live chat pages would help to expand the landyzone community... there are a great many 4x4 or land rover forums... maybe having the chat arera would help to set this one apart even more than it already is.
why do we need a chat room when ispy and forums are like one big one
is it beyond people to refresh pages?

i have read some threads on here that are just like permanent copies of text based chat rooms, i dont see why we need a chat option tbh, if people want to chat dont they add skype and the like to their profiles??

but.... that knobjockey with the pimped out gaylander, i would love to tell him in real time he is a cu-nt, oh and with audio, and even video so i could show my displeasure with him.

so for that reason only i am undecided.
It isn't needed within the site at all, LZ does well as it is, but like i said previously, i've used them in the past with some sites and some work, some don't. The larger the site, the more likely they work purely based on numbers etc and this place has a large following.

Allow me to use an example, you finished for the day, browsing the web, checking you're stuff, pop on here, read up on what's going on etc, jump into the chatroom and start chatting about the day, get talking to someone who you've noticed around the forum before but never actually spoke with via PM etc.

The chatroom just allows you to do that, i talk to a few people on here via PM about stuff but some people i don't, not because i don't wish to, it's just a chatroom is more like a social area rather than a purpose sent message so to speak ( think pub! )

I don't think it'll honestly affect the interesting ( or damn right odd ) topics that we enjoy on here, it just gives those that enjoy talking ****e and are part of the community something else to use, hence attaching it to the Anything goes section as we don't want it turning into a tech based chat area.
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Chat room would be more ****e talking than normal, do we really want retard central?
Chat room would be more ****e talking than normal, do we really want retard central?

Possibly true but you have the option to use it or not, if it's not your cup of tea then don't use it?

If the cost is no more other than time setting it up, financially it shouldn't be a drain on the resources of the site, i'll even cover the cost of setting it up if needed and increase my sub to help.

Not everyone uses the gallery on here, but it's there if they want to, with a chatroom it could be the same, not everyone is going to what to want to use it, but some might.
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIyr5TXqe8Y"]YouTube - How To Behave In Internet Chat Rooms[/nomedia] try this
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi-KGNBVjEQ&feature=channel"]YouTube - How To Swear Creatively[/nomedia]

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