
New Member
Ok so I have my own Disco and have enjoyed it for a while now. I realise that to continue the whole charade of "i am a real man and not one of you poncey BMW drivers" i need to learn how to service my Disco myself.

The only problem with this is that i am not a mechanic and have never serviced a car before. So my question is this:

Does anybody know of a suitable guide or manual that will show me how to service my Disco? Bear in mind that I own a TD5 and there is no Haynes manual available for it. I have also tried looking on Amazon but again there is nothing for a TD5?

Is there anybody out there that can help me or do i simply go back to paying out for another "real man" to service my car.

Please help, you hold my manhood in your hands.
(not like that you pervs)
Do asearch on this forum for RAVE and download the workshop manual.
Basic servicing (oil/filter changes) is no more difficult than any other car, and unlike a BMWhatsit you can limbo-dance right under the car.
servicing rules of thumb
1) if it has a grease nipple grease it
2)if it has fluid in it empty it and top up to mark
3) if that thing looks like a filter, either clean it or get a new one
4)if the wheel bearing is slack tighten it
5)if wheel bearing makes a noise change it
6)it the two pieces of metal resemble a hinge lub it
7)if cable or linkage adjust it so you have a small amount of play
8)if it has a bulb make sure it lights up when it should

this list is in no way completenor comprehensive, but as a general guide to servicing most vehicles it will suffice, till you get yer book
Hi Slob Just add another two and you can call them the Ten Commandments of Land Rover Servicing. Must say it is good advice. Always remember OIL IS A CHEAP MECHANIC b.b.
9) the round black things near each corner should be completely round, if they have a flat bit, they are missing some air. in which case put more air in them till they are round.
10)if you push the brake pedal and you still hit that wall then it could be that you have too much air in yer brakes. get a mate to help remove the air.

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