
Well-Known Member
Hey folks, since my wife passed her test about three weeks ago and had started driving the disco I've barely unclenched enough to fart every time she drives off in my car.
Tonight in the cold/dark she reversed out of the drive without the rear work light on, with frost on the windows obscuring her view :mad: and scraped the driver side rear bumper corner on a fence post. On realising the problem she drove forward and ripped the fecker off...:(

She's gone out now (probably a good job) and I've been looking for replacements, but I don't know how these fix onto the main bumper. The metal frame/wing that the trim screws onto was folded out at 90 degrees, so I had to bash it back in to avoid her gouging/decapitating anything that got too close on her journey, but I don't know if those bits are bolt on/off.
The plastic trim/cap is probably ok, though the threaded bosses the the screws attach to are still on the car, dunno if it's best to try and bodge it back on maybe?

Any ideas where the best place for these bits is?

Thanks for that, she's just come back and I've had a look and seen that these unbolt - may take it off and bash it around a bit to see if I can sort.. Just gotta find where I chucked the bit of trim now :(

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