Martin \(Wirral, UK\)

Over the winter I rebuilt my series 3 on the drive way (never again!)

The local kids (8-12 year olds) asked questions like what's up with your
jeep mate and so on. However after 3 month of educating these kids little by
little each day the question improved. Have you stopped the hub seal from
leaking, did you get the stud out of the bell housing and "my dad said why
the hell are you doing that in the dark while its raining?"

Either the next generation of car thieves or Land Rover enthusiasts!

"Larry" <NDA@larry-arnold.com> wrote in message
> It is the school holidays in case you have not noticed, and whilst working
> on my landie I have been consistently pestered by kids, those not old

> to nick cars yet (remember I live in the badlands)
> Apart from being annoyed by there persistant questioning, I am surprised

> there ignorance, as to why anyone would want a car like mine that ain't
> fast, ain't pretty and ain't new.
> --
> Larry
> Series 3 rust and holes


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