no insurance pay for a bunch of ****ing lights and hes not even creamed someone....whats the ****ing world coming to!:doh:
omg :eek: cant belive the language on here on my bike forum if you was to talk like that to other members the thread would be shut and you would be barred from the forum.

As for the car being stolen i had a ZXR400 few years ago never see it again broke my heart then couple of years later had my mondeo stolen off my drive way police pulled it up 4 miles from my home 2 weeks later i had to pay £200 to get car back and when i did it was a mess had dirty underwear socks in it beer cans and stuff like that i just got it valeted and sold it as it wan't the same car to me.

Then in november last year i had my home broken in to had my 42 inch tv nicked and laptop and a phone police weren't much help either.

i really feel for you and hope you get your car back £8000 is a lot to loose
as with telling insurance companies about modifications i think you have to tell them every thing my mate put a snorkel kit on his 300 disco rang the insurance company to tell them and they said they coudn't no longer cover the vehicle with this on but i suppose if you dont tell em and now its been nicked just say it was standard and if car is never found they will pay out the book value.

I have 3 mates who work in insurance one is an assessor i will have a word with em them and see what they say
C'mon, BeckyB has done the first sensible post in ages on this fred.
Gotta stick up for a fellow trucker :p
Thats a good do they know its modified if its gone...keep stum and take book value is my moto! Then hope it never turns up!
:mad:Still no news on my stolen defender 90 N792 WOF, BUT the latest from the INSURANCE INVESTIGATORS IS - the car had been modified and I didn't tell the insurance company ! I did have an A frame and 2 spots fitted but nothing else. Actually I had these fitted before I went to the AA insurance company BUT according to them I should have told them. I thought a modification meant something technical to make it go faster or changing the engine. It looks like they have found a way out of paying up.
At the moment I feel like I have been beaten to the floor by the Ba***rds who stole my car & now the insurance company are waiting to kick my head in !!!
To get back to where I was 3 weeks ago I will have to accept the loss of a car worth in excess of £8,000 AND spend £8,000 replacing my stolen Defender. God it feels great to be alive !!
The great British Law !!!!
To all the really kind people out there who have sent messages to me before - thank you.

thats what insurance has to do with it first post was about the insurance..........Wasn't it.......?
oh - fellow trucker


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