
New Member
Hey I've just checked out the fuel pump on my freelander petrol (wondering if it is the cause of all this nonsense. Am thinking now about getting a diesel.

Now the Xedi can run on veg oil, which is good for me. But the Veg oil needs heating right ? So Looking at this fuel pump, there are three parts to the top. an inlet valve, an electrical point and an outlet valve. is the Xedi the same ?

Would it be correct to route heated veg oil into the fuel line ? Or would you bosh unheated vego straight into the tank ? For several reasons, I think I would prefer to heat the oil first to prevent clogging and ensure a better explosion. But I'm not sure. Id rather test it first using a container of vego, and a heating element in the boot.

George99 - What other mods would be required of the Xedi to run on veg ? I imagine it would be corrosive to rubber parts, am I correct ?
Veg oil is not corrosive to any parts. If you get a bad batch of biodiesel then excess methanol/caustic soda (methoxide) in it can corrode/rot your seals but not straight veg oil. I have been running straight veg in mine for some time now, up to 95% in peak summer (not sure if that was a good idea for long term, played it safe after a month and brought it down to 80%) and have had no problems apart from blocked fuel filters and a blocked fuel line, both easily cured. Once the crap was cleared out I had no other filter problems. I am currently running on 80% and have had no starting problems at all (after fitting a new battery cos my old one was duff). The only mod I have done is fitting an extra, cheaper inline fuel filter so when I change the fuel filter it is a lot cheaper. I use a cetane enhancer as well but apart from that there is no heating or mods. The engine runs smooth and there is no white smoke (not even on startup).

I have read that the mixing of dieso can stop the gumming problems which may be why i have not experienced any loss of compression or oil level rising. I also changed my glow plugs cos one went duff (not veg related) and there was no sign of excess carbon or gumming. I would not recommend running straight veg even on a heated system, even if you have a heated tank/filter/fuel line your engine is cold and the oil will be cooled back down to ambient as soon as it enters a cold engine. I am running on KTC soy oil from Makro.

If you need any other info post here and I'll do my best to answer.

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