
New Member
Just had new tyres and tracking fitted - now the steering wheel is out of alignment - is it an easy job to remove and re-centre, or is there another way of doing this (nervous about the air bag):eek:.

This happens all too often, tracking adjusted on one side instead of adjusting half the amount on each side results in steering rack no longer being central.

If the tracking is done correctly there is no need to ever move the steering wheel.

I haven't needed to remove an airbag from a freelander but it'll be much the same as any other, disconnect the battery, wait 10/15mins for system to discharge then remove fixings and disconnect the wiring.

Or you could take it back and ask them to centralise the rack.
I had tracking and wheels balanced in my local tyre centre
before I had this done the steering wheel was centering to the left @ 11 oclock when the tracking had been adjusted it was @1 oclock I went back in and try as they might every time they adjusted the tracking straight on the front wheel laser the back laser line would move uneven
dispite adjusting the front bar attached to the steering arm or the rear bar attached to the arms on the rear of the front wheels they could not get the alingnment
Has any one got the correct proceedure to get the tracking right and the steering wheel central at 12oclock (no jokes about midday please)
thanks for reading this. Disco 11 TD5
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Decent tyre/tracking places put a steering wheel locking device to keep it centred BEFORE they start on the checking and adjutments
If you are going to remove the wheel to re-centre it make sure NOT to place the air bag face down once removed as i have heard of them going off. Also do not force the plug off as there is a locking tab holding the plug into the air bag, use a fine screw driver to pull the lock directly away from the plug this allows the plug to be removed. The job is not difficult don't be put off by the air bag so long as you are careful there is no problem with them.
The Haines manual shows how to remove the steering wheel. It's a five minute job made longer by the wait to remove the airbag, but this is an oppurtunity to have a cuppa.

I had to do this after a particularly rough bit of offroading, but it was a simple enough job.



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