I'd remove the negative first and fit the positive first, I've always thought there's less sparking that way.
Thanks, Cant stop grinning at the moment and i cant stop driving it either.

Arches and sills are all good no work needed for along time. Boot floor will need some welding as it has started to go but nothing major. There is a pin hole in the back box but i plan to replace centre and back box anyways.

Clutch all good nice and firm, gear box good no excessive play or crunching.

Its not long had a service so will run it for a month then change so i know whats in it.

Welcome mate :clap2: Sounds like you have picked up a beaut!! Lots of pics please :D
ooooo check you out :D..... Be good.. If you can't be good be safe :D

Nothing dodgy. ..honest. missus is Czech so we visiting. Every day is like a Sunday but without the thought of work the next day. . Breakfast-beer-lunch-beer-sleep-beer-dinner and you get the picture
need it for when it snows, humping wood, and it's easy enough to fix.

i wonder why i don't smile like a loon too. you lot don't have any funny vibrating devices in your seat bases do you?

Maybe it's the humping wood that's making you grumpy? Try humping a girl instead...
Nothing dodgy. ..honest. missus is Czech so we visiting. Every day is like a Sunday but without the thought of work the next day. . Breakfast-beer-lunch-beer-sleep-beer-dinner and you get the picture

What do you mean Sunday!!! That sounds like everyday... :eek: have fun :D

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