in case none of you peeps have seen it - looks like the end of Rave and software on E-bay......

***Change to downloadable media policy ***

01 April, 2008 | 02:09PM BST

From 29th April, we’ll be banning all goods that can be digitally downloaded or transferred electronically from being listed in any format on and We’re doing this to prevent bad experiences and preserve the integrity of the Feedback system.

While they are a small portion of the marketplace, listings for digital goods often lead to bad experiences for our buyers and contribute to a perception that eBay allows unauthorised or illegitimate items to be sold on the marketplace, such as electronic copies of books.

Unfortunately, these goods also create the potential for Feedback manipulation as they are often reproduced and then bought and sold at little or no cost to the seller and buyer.

This new policy will come into effect on 29th April 2008. We encourage any sellers who think they will be affected to read the Downloadable Media policy and review their listings accordingly.


The eBay Team

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