
Well-Known Member
1999 300tdi. D90

I have a rattle sound that happens when the engine is revving.
It seems to be slowly getting louder.
seems like it is coming from the drivers side under the front hood/bonnet..
If I pull the hood and rev it it will not happen, only when the engine is under load.
Engine is running fine.

It really sounds like something is loose. I have been underneath but cannot find anything loose.:confused:

Any thoughts?

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Mechanic took her this morning as she is due for an oil change.
He is going to have a thurough looksee if he can find it.

One important thing is that I did not ever hear the sound until after we did the complete suspension change. So am thinking it must be something to do with that came loose?
We also replaced both propshafts and u-joints.
Tbh it sounds like it but if not you might want to check the air cleaner fixings too. I was getting driven mental by a random rattle that seemed to come from drivers side and only when moving. Turned out some of the fixings had rusted away underneath giving it just enough play to rattle at any speed and have me panicing that something was away to give way at speed...
Still no luck.

However he thinks it may be the catlytic converter, but it sounds like its coming from the drivers side??????
I will check the air cleaner tonight.
Whatever it is it does not seem to effect how she is running. I was going to get rid of the catalytic and put a straight pipe. Who knows.

The search continues............................
Hopefully its something simple like mine was - drives you mental finding it but the relief when its not something catastrophic is great!!!

Fixed mine with some pre-drilled flexible metal that we had left over from screwing our boiler flu onto the beams in the roof :D

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