I had a rattle like that, but it was the rear door hinges that were shot,since i changed them its gone. mind you the door still rattles but thats because its shot and still needs to be repaired, just another job on that list of things to do lol.
Got a very similar sounding rattle in my td5 2000 pickup that i'm going to investigate this weekend. I was just wondering if you did manage to trace the source of the problem mrdsgs??
Any help would be appreciated although i'm leaning towards either a loose panel or heat shield or maybe rear shock bushes. Don't think its a-frame related as it's not so much a clonk as a loose sounding rattle.
mine turned out to be a rattle between rear brake pads and callipers or disks after a couple of weeks after new pads were fitted. It vanished when brakes were applied even slightly (try left foot braking to test). The plan was to have a shim made to fit by the spring or pin that holds the pads in place to prevent rattle. Ironically, it has now vanished, new pads were replaced with OEM which pads initially made no difference but now they are bedded in all is fine!!!
Thanks for the quick reply mrdsgs unfortunately its not the brakes. Tried the left foot braking and the rattle is still there, going to give it a good investigation tomorrow if the weather is ok.
your not towing an ifor around are you? :)

you say its a hard top? its not the van side skins flapping against the supports is it?
Unable to get underneath today due to other commitments. Discomikey its a pick up so i've ruled out the van sides and as for the ifor williams cover its currently sitting unused in my parents garden although when i did have it on the mesh tailgate did make a lot of noise if it wasn't closed tight !!
No stereo fitted either to drown out the sound so i'm going to have to find the source of the noise soon before it drives me mad
Is it present when running hot or cold?

I had a loose baffle in the silencer on my 90, started when it was warmed up (difficult I know) drove me bonkers.

Scrapped it and went for side exit jobby:)

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