
New Member
Hi all.

I've got a rattle in my transmission. It occurs when I'm moving and lift off the accelerator and will go if I press the clutch. It sounds like a rattle/fast knocking.

It's not there 100% of the time but seems to be getting more common.

I've searched round and have found countless threads all suggesting various things...but I've not found one with the same issues as mine.

Im new to car mechanics, but am keen to learn - Can anyone help me diagnose where the issue is coming from and what it may be?!

If it makes a difference it's a '95 300tdi with standard r380 gearbox.

Thanks for any help you can give

As above, check your UJs. I had similar sounds, which developed into a knocking then complete UJ failure, requiring me to replace the entire propshaft.

It goes when you push the clutch because you take the load off the drivtrain and it's just freewheeling.
Great, thanks I'll look sooner rather than later.

I've found some good "How2's" on replacing them - looks like a good few hours, something for the weekend!
Had a similar problem with my 300tdi also, turned out to be the handbrake binding so I would definitely check that if I were you its an easy fix if so. Doesn't always happen but when it does its when coming to a stop at traffic lights etc and sounds quite worrying like a mechanical spinning and knocking sound, hope this helps, cheers.
My 110 300tdi also has a rattle/grind when slowing down just as the clutch is depressed.

Having checked ma propshafts changed the oil and blead the clutch its still there.

So i,m now looking at the second gear layshaft bearing being worn.

Or it could be the clutch release bearing! I,m slowly working through the quick cheap fixes and holding out on the expensive gearbox/clutch change.

It only does it whilst slowing down in second gear and occasionaly whislt changing up into second gear.

More food for thought!:confused:
Just a quick update...

Decided I would replace all the UJ's, theory being if one had gone it wouldn't be long before they all went!

Got some GKM ones, bit more pricey, but recommended from a few of the how2s i read.

Over the past few days the noise got a lot more frequent ie constant! Then yesterday a wobble at speeds of 30+ started. I was planning on waiting until the weekend for some daylight, but decided Id have to get started last night.

Started on the rear propshaft on the back UJ and by luck found one of the bearings to have no rollers in it and the bearing cover/case was cracked up..probably close to complete failure at the center stub had started to wear down.

By the time I'd done one, it was quite late and the amount of noise I was making knocking the old ones out i decided I'd have to stop there - Bolt the propshaft back in and test.

After a spin round the block it seems to have fixed the issue! I'll still be doing the others tomorrow. It was a good feeling to actually unbolt something mechanical and fix it...rather than the other more cosmetic jobs ive done so far!

So just wanted to drop in and say thanks for the quick responses I had pointing out the possible issues ;) Saved me a good few quid at the mechanics.


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