
New Member
hi everyone, just putting a quick feeler out there, my boss has offered me his JE engineering S500 P38, quick rundown of this vehicles special history, he bought the car new then drove it a few miles down the road to JE engineering where they stripped it down an built a monster.. the design was ordered by a Arab sheikh an he said they could build another 5, the one that has been offered was then breathed on further an then became the worlds fastest range rover for a short time in the late 90's, sadly that engine has recently given up the ghost it still has a supercharged engine sadly just not as mean... he was then approached by bmw who asked could they take the car to germany to break it down for development purposes, he agreed so they shipped it over an that is the vehicle that was used to develop the stormer which ofcourse became the sport.. it is a little tatty atm but that is not a problem i can sort that, is there much interest in a vehicle with this kind of history or will it be a waste of money???
Hmmmm further research is required....not heard of it before, will be consulting me books later!

Whilst it will have general value as a rarety, it won't be Ferrari Cali or E type appeal...Range Rovers, regardless of special ed or limited run won't be worth much as a collectors item....the P38's were not much liked by the populus (only enthusiasts) so never really will make it into cult status...

That being said, it will hold a certain interest and appeal if displayed at LR events, such as the Brighton bash, or some of the exhibitions dotted about the place.....
OK...further research - found the S560 but not the S500...



Posted from 996turbo.....
Seems like the S500 was a build using a lower spec engine...S560 being the top model, S500 mid range and (I think) the S460 was the entry level model....limited info available...will be checking my books later and see if I can gleen anything further!
The P38 holds almost no second hand value, regardless of rarity. That might change in time like the Classic, but seems highly unlikely. You are very unlikely to make any money by flipping such a vehicle. The history, if confirmable, might add a few squids. But on the most part, it'd be a vehicle you keep for yourself.
wow you know your stuff saint.v8 i couldn't find anything about them, it was also featured on Top Gear when it held fastest range rover if you could find that clip it would b amaising... gutted the p38s arnt worth much to me there awesome so might be best off flogging my DSE an keeping the S500 then an showing it once i've tidied it up, he said he has all the old mags an bits an pieces so i could make a board or something.. but for £2000 then its not a waste of money!!!! or is it??? i have a mate i drink with down the local who has a 101 an i always said i'd like to go to a LR show with him (as all my other cars are jap performance i tend to go to those meets) atleast this would be of more interest than my DSE, i will try and find some more info there was a lot to take in an i have forgotten a lot, oh yeah it has a leather stitched dash and headlining etc would that have been je engineering or did some of the later HSE's have that std.. thanks for reading an for your input
then became the worlds fastest range rover for a short time in the late 90's, sadly that engine has recently given up the ghost it still has a supercharged engine sadly just not as mean

I'd imagine that, with it's original JE engine, you might have some interest that, assuming that the rest of the car was in very good condition, might up it's value a bit. But essentially you own a car that USED to be something.
I'd imagine that it would be fun to own and drive but I can't see it ever being worth a fortune, unless you are willing to do a nut and bolt restoration back to it's original spec and even then it's still a P38.
I remember 996turbo posting a thread on here - 'a very special P38'. Sounds like the same model......wish i could figure how to attach links on here.
cool i'll have a look through an see if i can find it really interested in tracing its history, it was quite a special one he spent nearly £100'000 on it not including the orig cost of the vehicle, i've just liked JE on facebook will contact them an see if they have any additional info, so looks like i'll buy it an sell my DSE or the parents will kill me for buying a 6th car handy i have a resto company she might b in there soon will maybe make a photo thread of any work i do.. infact i think i have a pic somewhere will try an find it..

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