
New Member
I would like to know what you think about polybushes as ive never had any dealings with them and talking to a mate in the uk today he said i should fit them to my p38.
The reason for this is i said i was putting the old girl in to have the bushes checked out because of the wheel wobble but i dont know if they do these in Portugal.
Any advice would be GREAT.
Cheers for now.
My personal opinion is that polybushes are great for a competition or pure offroader that will need to be fettled regularly. I found that a new set of polybushes lasted almost two years .. the standard bushes had lasted over 10 years ... but I also know some people who've had them last less than one year!

I now replace all bushes with Landrover genuine or OEM bushes and will not bother with polys except for a comp vehicle.
I wouldn't bother with polys even in a comp vehicle :)

Maybe SuperPro bushs in a panhard rod to cope with winch weight.
My reasoning being that they're mostly far easier, therefore quicker, to replace .. which is probably one of the reasons they don't last as long as well!

alot of people rave about them but from my own experience with them even the soft or comfort ones are next to useless. Stick to genuine. My comfot ones makes the ride harsh, uncomfortable and after a short period useless they wear really quickly wouldnt boter in the future
A poly-bush is a simple bit of injection moulded poly-eurathane...
Its washing up bowl plastic, made like a washing up bowl.... in one shot, very cheaply.
If they were in any way 'useful', why would Land-Rover go to the trouble of using a metalised rubber bush, which is infinitely hardert to make, first forming the metal tubes, then compounding the rubber, then combining them into a single artificat in what is a three shot process, thats a lot more involved and difficult to control, and therefore more expensive?
More to the point, why would any-one pay MORE for a cheaper part?
They are, basically a rip off.
They're a cheap way to take complience (what a suspension system is designed to give!) out of your suspension to make the handling a little more 'taught', which you can do a lot better through other means if you know what you are about, and shouldn't even attempt if you dont!
Sold to numpties becouse they are well marketed as a 'performance enhancing product'....
Stick to standard metalastics; they work as the engineers intended.
Been on polys about 4 months. No major complaints, can't say I even feel a big change in ride. On the other hand I'm not doing any competitions or serious-offroading. Pot-holed country roads and poor surfaces around here and sometimes motorway. Already know they wont last very long but that's about it.
i had them on an old landy after about a year they were squeeking and making a squaking noise so i took them back to where i bought them but it turned out i had bought pretty polly bushes

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