
New Member
just changed an engine in the rangie put in bmw lump out of a bmw saloon
changed all the stuff ie sump oil pic up,manifold etc but left the injector pump off the saloon on the the thing in and turning over...but the injector pump will not pump out to injector pipes/injectors.....done all the obvious plenty of fuel checked the solenoid etc etc.....any idea,s out there
getting to the point of looking for matches.....etc
There was a topic about that a little while a go. I believe that the conclusion was that you need to retain the original RR pump.
There was a topic about that a little while a go. I believe that the conclusion was that you need to retain the original RR pump.

not the answer i wanted but i suspected this...........blimey....if i fell into a barrel of tits....i,d come out sucking my own bloody thumb......but thank you
There was a topic about that a little while a go. I believe that the conclusion was that you need to retain the original RR pump.

I seem to remember from previous threads on this subject that there are three different types of pump fitted to the BMW car engines and only one is compatible with the Range Rover installation. Can't for the life of me remember the whys and wherefores though. No doubt a diesel expert will be along shortly to enlighten you.
Another thread also came up with the fact that there are 2 different flange sizes. I seem to remember that the compatability problem was overcome by swapping some of the electronic bits on the FIP. It was a recent thread, do a search.
well i changed the top electronic unit.........simple enough except some bright spark decided to fit a wierd security bolt head......which took the best part of 2 hours to sort
but heho.....*hit happens.....anyway,,,still not working,,,,,,,do i need to change the bottom control unit as well ? any idea,s anyone ? oh......a real big thank you to all the folks who helped with replies yesterday...............chris
I've got an M51 engine from a 325td in my RRC - I didn't fit it, so don't know what was done to make it work... but if you tell me what I'm looking for I can take photos and rummage around.

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