
Hi All,

Half way through giving the D2 a bit of an overhaul.

One of the things is the selector cable for the transfer box.

I've looked on rave and in Haynes manual and both are more or less the same. Both say tackle it from underneath but I can't for the life of me work out how, most of it isnt visible seems to be on top of the box and totally inaccessible.

Does anybody have any experience of changing these and able to give me some advice?

Thanks in advance.
Remove the centre console, you will need a riveter to reassemble.

Will need to detatch seat switches, gear lever cable, handbrake cable..

I had to do this to mine to unstick the CDL lever.
Thanks to you both, managed the job yesterday, there was a lot of swearing involved as the clevis pins were completely seized, one took a lot of smashing with a hammer and pin punch and that was easy enough because i could remove it without the rest of the cable because of where it was snapped.

The clevis pin on the transfer box end wasn't so easy, ended up having to get a hacksaw in and carefully cut down the side then split with a chisel.

Not a job I hope to need to do again any time soon anyway.

Perhaps if parts weren't so seized it wouldn't have been so bad.

interesting that both the haynes and LR workshop manual are so far wrong on this one though!

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