
New Member
Hi, its been a while since I asked a question on here but the help I got with my disco kept it running till 250,000 miles so thought I'd try here for advice again.

Ive just aquired a RR P38 4.0, ive had it serviced as it was mothballed for a few years before I got it. It runs well (I sometimes wind the window down to listen to it) but when I towed with it for the first time last weekend the temp went up to the top of the "normal" range on hills then dropped back (made for a nervous drive!). It used no water or oil and runs fine when not towing. Should I put it in to have the radiator and waterpump changed or is there a simpler solution?


can only comment on my experience with a diesel but mine never goes above half even on very steep hills towing a couple of tons.
for peace of mind and less stress on engine i would replace radiator wouldnt replace water pump as if it wasnt working you would be in the red very very quickly would just seem that you have a slightly week cooling system.
when the radiator is being replaced check condition of aircon condenser they become very corroded and blocked with age and can restrict air flow to the coolant rad as it is in front of it.
also check your viscous fan operation make sure when it is hot it locks up with a rolled up newspaper shouldnt be able to stop the fan when it is hot
I have a 4.6 on Lpg and I tow a small caravan with it. Never goes over half way what ever the weather or road conditions.
Nathan in post#4 has nailed it. I changed the Rad on mine as it had a leak. The old radiator weighed nearly 1.5Kgs more than the new one. I managed to wash nearly 1Kg of crud out of it. It never overheated but then I never towed with it. When the wife got hers I changed the Rad as a precaution. It weighed over 2kgs more than the replacement. God only knows where the crap comes from but for sure it is better out than in.

most likely t obe either a blocked rad or autobox oil cooler as it that's blocked then the box will get hot and transfer that heat, via the fluid being circulated, into the main rad, spiking the temp.

As long as viscious van is doing what it should then a rad flush and ATF fluid change should sort it
thanks for the advice, had a look and the v fan is ok and demolished the newspaper. Have booked her in for a radiator change - I guess sitting for 5 years would clog it!

thanks again for all the replies, its nice to have a bit of an idea that its the right solution before i throw cash at it!
Hi, just an update - had the radiator and water pump changed yesterday and the old one appeared to be full of sand so not suprising it wasnt too effcient!

thanks againg for the advice
Granulated calcium carbonate from using water instead of antifreeze perhaps? Or even calcium carbonate that has precipitated out of the anti freeze, the UK practice of mixing anti freeze 50/50 with tap water has never seemed a good idea to me especially in areas with high limescale content in the tap water.

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