
Hi everyhone,

I wanted to change the headlights, grille and front bumper from p38 to L322.

Does anyone have photos or video, step by step of how this work is done?

Hi everyhone,

I wanted to change the headlights, grille and front bumper from p38 to L322.

Does anyone have photos or video, step by step of how this work is done?


Try searching for "Underpigeon".

I belong to the Land Rover family for more than 20 years and our spirit has always been of mutual help.

I think the answer "buy a L322", is not the most correct because I made a request for help, I did not ask for a buying opinion ... but believe me that I liked to have the conditions to be able to buy, in fact it was easier ...:)

I want to change the front of the P38 because it suffered a head-on strike. I have to carry headlights, bumper, grille... why not put the next model?

All help is welcome!

And I am also a Land Rover owner/driver/lover for the last 20 years - and I would NEVER EVER even have the audacity to ask such a stupid and blasphemous question.....and stating that you come from a Land Rover family for 20 years should indicate that you would not want to do such a thing for the love of the brand either......

I mean who the hell would want to ruin a P38 and put L322 front end on????? Only a moron.

The answer - 'Buy an L322' is the most sensible answer.....if you like the look of the L322, buy one....don't ruin the lines and look of a P38 with a bodged on front end - even if you do a good job (and I have seen some very well done conversions) the lines of the P38 do not suit the front of the L322 - the L322 is very slab fronted with huge lamps and wide grill, that just do not match the P38.

I own both, a P38 and an L322, and I love the look of the L322, but I certainly would never even contemplate putting an L322 front end on my P38 - it would ruin it totally....and I love them both.....but it would ruin it.

So, the most helpful suggestion you would get is , don't do it, repair the P38 correctly, or get an L322 - don't bastardise one to get the other.....

(Enhance your calm Anthony, enhance your calm)
And I am also a Land Rover owner/driver/lover for the last 20 years - and I would NEVER EVER even have the audacity to ask such a stupid and blasphemous question.....and stating that you come from a Land Rover family for 20 years should indicate that you would not want to do such a thing for the love of the brand either......

I mean who the hell would want to ruin a P38 and put L322 front end on????? Only a moron.

(Enhance your calm Anthony, enhance your calm)

IMO that's a bit OTT
An L322 front end on a P38 looks plain wrong..

However it's your car!

P38 cosmetic pieces are readily available from RR breakers.

However trying to fit an L322 front end would require a hell of a lot of fettling trimming adjusting etc etc
Not worth it IMO.

Plus the P38 is perfect just the way it is ;)
I want to spray mine red and turn it into a noddy car.... can someone help me too? (I cant find a noddy car anyway)

I belong to the Land Rover family for more than 20 years and our spirit has always been of mutual help.

I think the answer "buy a L322", is not the most correct because I made a request for help, I did not ask for a buying opinion ... but believe me that I liked to have the conditions to be able to buy, in fact it was easier ...:)

I want to change the front of the P38 because it suffered a head-on strike. I have to carry headlights, bumper, grille... why not put the next model?

All help is welcome!


Because it is not a 'facelift' to the existing model, P38, it is a completely different model, L322. If your suggestion was to put the latest update on, I'm sure the replies would be different. However, that is not what you are suggesting. Just because they are both called Range Rover, does not make them the same beast , nor does it make their parts interchangeable.
Just put the right parts on it.

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