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Hi, I have a 1999 Range Rover p38 and today when driving on the motor way i had a problems. When I entered the Motor Way I noticed the suspension did not change height and the light for Motorway height was flashing but nothing was happening.

I tried to manually change the high but nothing worked.

Then the front lowered but the back remained high. All the lights of the suspension height started to flash, the back lowered to the bump stops and the EAS fault, 35Mph Max started.I pulled over and stopped the engine, I could hear the compressor going and that finally stopped.

I have the car home now and I have found the compressor no longer works but I think this is because it has burnt out, it was very very hot!

I have ordered a recon compressor now and a EAS Kicker but I am concerned about what may have caused this and if there is a fault I don't want it to blow another compressor.

I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on the cause of this and possible resolutions please.... please help me if you can.
Compressor overheats/burns out due to overwork, usually due to a leak, so first thing is plenty of soapy water and check all the connections and pipes, they can be very small and still have a big effect over time, so take your time and really look for bubbles.
Thanks, I will get that checked out tomorrow.

Thanks very much for the quick reply. I will update when I know more.
compressor sounds like, has a rubber seal inside that eventually perishes over time, as above though, once fitted check bags for further leaks
been there myself, several times. checking fault codes and the pipework regularly has become a useful preventative measure, otherwise the first you know is it's misbehaving and soon after the compressor's gone and you're looking for another!
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A good example of the compressor
Hi, I have a 1999 Range Rover p38 and today when driving on the motor way i had a problems. When I entered the Motor Way I noticed the suspension did not change height and the light for Motorway height was flashing but nothing was happening.

I tried to manually change the high but nothing worked.

Then the front lowered but the back remained high. All the lights of the suspension height started to flash, the back lowered to the bump stops and the EAS fault, 35Mph Max started.I pulled over and stopped the engine, I could hear the compressor going and that finally stopped.

I have the car home now and I have found the compressor no longer works but I think this is because it has burnt out, it was very very hot!

I have ordered a recon compressor now and a EAS Kicker but I am concerned about what may have caused this and if there is a fault I don't want it to blow another compressor.

I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on the cause of this and possible resolutions please.... please help me if you can.

First thing to do is get faults read. Check for leaks and go from there, this could be a bit complexed. Sounds like you may have a couple of coincidental fails. If you developed a leak and compressor was running when you entered the motorway and continued to run as the 50 mph for a minute was reached, the car could not go down. Because air cannot go in and out at the same time. Both inlet and exhaust use the same gallery but in opposite directions. The car can rise with compressor running, but cannot go down, because the exhaust gallery is full of high pressure air and the exhaust valve cannot release air against the pressure as the gallery is sealed by air pressure against NRV3. Only when the compressor stops and the diaphragm valve is opened can air be exhausted. Could be a pain this one.
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Thanks everyone, the new compressor etc will arrive in a few days. I will will let everyone know the results of all of your thoughts. I appreciate this greatly.

I have just taken the old compressor apart and found the seal around the piston is in a very bad way, cracked and very worn so hoping this is the cause.

Despite this problem I don't think I will ever convert her to coil springs.
I thought the compressor wouldn't run in a hard fault situation so the fact that it's not running now isn't really relevant.

Ok, it's worn, but it sounds like something else has caused the problem.

Last time I had a similar issue, one of the solenoids seemed to have stuck so one corner wouldn't drop. A quick tap sorted that out but I still had to clear the fault code before the EAS unlocked.
Thanks kooky_guy, I sent power directly to the compressor and it just make a tick sound an nothing else happens.

I have just heard that the new compressor was dispatched today along with the Kicker so looking forward to further investigations.

I did try and inflate the suspension last night with my air compressor I have in my garage but could not get a tight enough seal around the air pipes, might try again today so at least I can check the system for leaks.

Thanks kooky_guy, I sent power directly to the compressor and it just make a tick sound an nothing else happens.

I have just heard that the new compressor was dispatched today along with the Kicker so looking forward to further investigations.

I did try and inflate the suspension last night with my air compressor I have in my garage but could not get a tight enough seal around the air pipes, might try again today so at least I can check the system for leaks.


Ah, ok. That sounds fairly definitive - I'm surprised it's completely dead though - that's fairly unusual. They usually just stop pumping air - the thermal cut out should prevent overheating damage.

Which Kicker did you get? The full version or the Kicker Lite?

Ah, ok. That sounds fairly definitive - I'm surprised it's completely dead though - that's fairly unusual. They usually just stop pumping air - the thermal cut out should prevent overheating damage.

Which Kicker did you get? The full version or the Kicker Lite?


Unfortunatly the Kicker in many situations is pretty useless it only clears glitch faults. You need the the EASunlock software if you want to be able to work on the EAS properly..
Unfortunatly the Kicker in many situations is pretty useless it only clears glitch faults. You need the the EASunlock software if you want to be able to work on the EAS properly..

Hmm, don't agree with that - the full EAS Kicker is quite good - it tells you what the recorded fault is. I do think having to pay (a lot) extra to enable the heights function is a bit stingy.

The Lite version seems a bit useless, but it'll get you going again in most cases.

Mine frequently blows the fuse on the OBD port - Should have a power switch on it really.
Hmm, don't agree with that - the full EAS Kicker is quite good - it tells you what the recorded fault is. I do think having to pay (a lot) extra to enable the heights function is a bit stingy.

The Lite version seems a bit useless, but it'll get you going again in most cases.

Mine frequently blows the fuse on the OBD port - Should have a power switch on it really.

Why would you pay through the nose for something you can do for very little money with EASunlock. With the EAS you don't want to be constantly resetting glitches with your kicker you need to find the fault a sort it. It will do diddle squat for a mechanical fail, which is likely to happen IF you just keep clearing faults without finding out what caused them.
Why would you pay through the nose for something you can do for very little money with EASunlock. With the EAS you don't want to be constantly resetting glitches with your kicker you need to find the fault a sort it. It will do diddle squat for a mechanical fail, which is likely to happen IF you just keep clearing faults without finding out what caused them.

Well yes, but you can carry the Kicker around in your glove box whereas the missus gets narked if I pinch her laptop. I do think it's very overpriced but I got mine second hand so it wasn't too bad.

At least knowing the fault tells you which bit to kick/wallop/twiddle if you get stuck away from home.
Well yes, but you can carry the Kicker around in your glove box whereas the missus gets narked if I pinch her laptop. I do think it's very overpriced but I got mine second hand so it wasn't too bad.

At least knowing the fault tells you which bit to kick/wallop/twiddle if you get stuck away from home.

Not with the Lite it don't as far as i know. It's an handy tool no doubt for electrical glitches. But it's big brother is vastly overpriced even for the convenience of size. I have a Fault mate so that travels with me. But for actually working and maintaining the EAS storeys EAS unlock is at the price a must have tool.
Not with the Lite it don't as far as i know. It's an handy tool no doubt for electrical glitches. But it's big brother is vastly overpriced even for the convenience of size. I have a Fault mate so that travels with me. But for actually working and maintaining the EAS storeys EAS unlock is at the price a must have tool.

You're right about the lite, but it'll get you going again with some of the common faults (ie pressure awitch not changing state etc).

I've got the full fat one.
Why would that get me going?

By clearing the fault and getting it off the bump stops...

Ok, it will still need fixing, but at least you're not stuck on the hard shoulder of the motorway or in the middle of nowhere or whatever.

Yes, it won't work everytime, but most times it'll get you home.
By clearing the fault and getting it off the bump stops...

Ok, it will still need fixing, but at least you're not stuck on the hard shoulder of the motorway or in the middle of nowhere or whatever.

Yes, it won't work everytime, but most times it'll get you home.

Sorry misunderstood that one. You mean it'll get the car going. Yes it will, but often re-occuring faults like that are usually driver pack glitches. Ok you can reset them and be on your way but the real answer is a new driver pack.
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