My RR 2.5dse[bmw engine] has developed a serious overheating problem.
its ok on tickover and gets up to nornal temp but as soon as she is put under load she bubbles up and dumps her water through the expansion tank overflow. suspected an airlock and have drained down the system on several occassions but to no avail. local landrover dealer has even vacuumed the system and changed the thermostat as a precaution.Yet she still overheats under load. Any suggestions before we go the headgasket route.
its ok on tickover and gets up to nornal temp but as soon as she is put under load she bubbles up and dumps her water through the expansion tank overflow. suspected an airlock and have drained down the system on several occassions but to no avail. local landrover dealer has even vacuumed the system and changed the thermostat as a precaution.Yet she still overheats under load. Any suggestions before we go the headgasket route.