I'm off for it at 4.30, I don't like doing it but I got a male of the species to ring and ask him what he was doing & that I needed the car back today. Turns it when he had replaced the suspension bag he had put two pipes on the wrong way. He wanted to keep it overnight just to see what it would do but we refused and said if it goes off again we will let you know.

I'm hoping that's an end to it, the hoses being on wrong would explain what was happening, he better not be expecting paying lol
Stupid git. I'd say you know not to take it back there again. Was it one of the ones recommended by the guys on here?
No it wasn't. I happened on him as he was near my work & in fairness I had noticed before that he seemed to work on a lot of range rovers, he had 3 in when I took it doing various things. Since he had a few and he didn't say ooh no I can't do that I just assumed he knew a bit about them.

How wrong I was!
It's a hard lesson to learn and at least you learned quickly and cheaply. My same lesson cost me £Ks.
Oh god the saga continues.

I've got the same problem at the other side now :(

I really don't know what to do, I've rang mechanic a and asked him what's up, I need to change the other suspension arm he says. And guess what it's dearer than the drivers side, of course it is.

I aren't taking him the car back so I'm now back looking for someone who can check a) if the new suspension arm etc is all connected up right & b) change me the arm or bag if needed.

I've rung 3 garages today, no one can do it and I'm not really feeling too trusting at the minute. If anyone near me is handy and wants to earn a few quid having a look I'm happy to pay for their advice.

I wouldn't mind but the arm doesn't look that hard to change, I've no gear and probably aren't strong enough to change it!!
Well I took it to a guy who fixes range rovers on Tong road at Leeds, he does do other cars but he does do a lot of range rovers.

It was a suspension bag that was split and I picked it up today.

However tonight the air suspension has turned itself off which if I remember from when I had the gearbox changed it did the same thing. They don't like being on ramps do they so I'm pretty sure it just needs recalibrating. (She says hopefully)!
Sorry to dig up an old thread,a mate has recommended this guy but can't tell me anything beyond him being on Tong Rd,can you,or anyone,give more info?
Sorry to dig up an old thread,a mate has recommended this guy but can't tell me anything beyond him being on Tong Rd,can you,or anyone,give more info?

Judging from her thread I wouldn't touch him with yours.
Dang you Grrrr, in order to put my post in context I had to read from the start, then I found it was near the end and tbh I still couldn't work out the context, must have been late in the Pm.:D

Nice lass that Sarah.

I was referring to the video where the lass's jaw was locked open, presumably from too long playing the purple oboe.
Jake Wright don't fix Range Rovers - they profess to have worked on them as far back as the early 1970's. Based on the strength of their self promoting website - 'Best in the Business' I booked mine in - it came back little better than when it went in - I am embarrassed to say i haven't been took like that for a very long time, cost me thousands. I eventually got a modicum of satisfaction when i threatened them with court action and they refunded me a small sum. I would have gotten even more satisfaction seeing them in court. The premises itself gives you a indication of what to expect - its a dump, and the standard of work matches. My opinion - my experience, mid 2023.

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