Landy Man 90TD

New Member
Hi there
Well i am after some advice really, i am looking to buy a 4.0ltr range rover on LPG. just wondering if any one has any info on the lpg and how the vehicle runs on it, i have heard stories that it can damage the head. but then other people say its fine and causes no problems.
my second question is insurance, i am only 24, and im looking at £2000 for insurance, if any one knows of some chreap companys out there, i would apprecate your knowledge.
thanks all
hope to hear from some one in the near future1

LPG is straight forward and, once fitted, requires next to no maintenance.

I ran a 3.5V8i on LPG for 4 years and 50,000 miles, and saved £35 everytime I filled up. Be aware that LPG has a slighlty lower calorific value than petrol so doesn't quite give the same mpg. My Disco gave 16mpg on petrol, but only 14mpg on gas. HOWEVER, the gas is, of course, around half the price of the petrol.

Again, because of the calorific value (the amount of energy "stored" in a given volume of liquid) LPG will return a marginally reduced performance, but you'll do well to spot the difference. In real terms I felt it actually improved day to day performance; I couldn't afford to accelarate on petrol, but on gas...... who cares! Enjoyed the V8 as it was meant to be enjoyed.

LPG is generally reckoned to improve service costs too - it run very cleanly, and I certainly found no negative servicing issues AT ALL. The motor should be set up to start on petrol, to clean the injectors (?), but should soon automatically swap onto gas, usually when the revs reach a certain level (i.e. the first time you accelatate away). You'll need to keep some petrol in the tank for this, but not too much; it goes off over time!

Usually LPG systems can be started on gas as well with a bypass switch. Dunno if this is a good idea long term. It's now available nearly everywhere - you can download a list of current stations at Boost LPG - Homepage

In short, LPG is a win win situation: cheap, clean, green and readily available. You won't look back!!!

Regarding insurance - good luck old chap. May I suggest you invest time ringing and ringing and ringing; it's boring, but the differences between companies can be eye-watering.

Let us know how you get on...........
Hi, I run a RR on gas, and don't have any probs with it. Its impossible to tell when its switched from petrol to gas in the morning and can't notice any loss in performance.
LPG does burn slightly hotter than petrol, some threads on here report that the temp gauge rises when running on gas. I have never seen this but i suppose if the coolant system is not up to scratch on the car it may be an issue. Because of issues that some V8s have with "porous" blocks, slipping liners etc, be certain it is in good order before parting with too much cash.
Just renewed my insurance which started at £670 which after trawling the net reduced to £364 with LLoydsTSB Insurance. Some companies won't quote for LPG, but others don't seem to care provided you have the certificates for installation etc.
Thanks to all that have given their advice,
thats a great help.
its great to get some advice from some one who knows!all i need to do now is find a range rover
ill kepp you up dated on my progress
I have a three position switch in my disco which allows starting and running on petrol,starting and running on gas, starting petrol then gas switchover.

The starting on petrol thing is to allow the coolant to warm up prior to gas use as it is this that heats the vapouriser. If this is not done then you run the risk of very bad running/not running/misfire etc. As stated it is best to keep the injectors cleaned through with juice anyway.

I always keep at least a quarter of a tank of petrol in as the fuel pump is in tank and I have heard that it runs continously. The guy I bought it off said it was fine to start and run on gas and he never bothered with petrol. Looking through the service book/receipts it has had two replacement pumps in its life!

I recently got 17.5 mpg on gas on a 70mph 250 mile run down the A1. My gas is 45p a litre. Well chuffed. Without a doubt my disco runs smoother on gas than it does on petrol. I would agree that it is down ever so slightly on overall power but like a previous poster said, you will not give it beans on petrol but can on gas.

I have stumbled across a few people who suggest that a single point system is most suitable for disco 1 and RRC but anything newer should be multipoint? This may be worth a bit of research by yourself before parting with cash?

Best of luck with the search

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