I wonder if anyone can help please.... I currently have a 2006 (2007 model year), 4.4 Petrol Range Rover and I do love it (quite a rare car I believe), however, it is now getting quite old.

We have two large Pyrenean Mountain Dogs and at the moment the current Range Rover is great, as the rear seats fold forward. We are looking to update to a 2013 / 2014 L405 model but the seats don't fold in the same way - With the L405 the back section folds on to the seat / base section, considerably reducing head height for the dogs.

I've asked the dealer if the rear seats can be removed to provide more room but they tell me no. They also go on to saying, that removing the seats could invalidate the warranty..... Surely there must be a way round this - Has anyone done this, or know how it can be done?

Many thanks in advance.

You can remove the seats they just saying no because they won't do it.
Next thing they saying that it "could" invalidate it but I don't hear a definite answer.
When I was buying my Porsche and I said to them that I will remove the exhaust and replace it with a performance one they said it the warranty still covers the car as long as the issue does not have anything to do with the exhaust. So in your case if you remove your seats and your engine goes bang the warranty is still valid as removing the seats has nothing to do with the lump! And there is not that much to go wrong with rear seats is there. Get ya spanners out.
Thanks bitnix, yes I see what your saying about the warranty and I guess that makes perfect sense.

My wife and I did also look at the Mercedes G Wagon, same story with them..... Mercedes said, they wouldn't remove the seats because of wiring connected to the seats sensors, which monitor the need for a passengers seat belt - (the "not wearing you seat belt" bleepers basically).

They also said the rear seats wiring was connected to the air bag system - I'm guessing this means, if the car thinks your carrying a rear passenger, rear air bags are also activated in the event of an accident?

Does anyone know if there's a similar set up on the L405?

Thanks again

I would have thought so, I got half way through writing a reply to that ilk yesterday but must have got distracted. The problem is the car is so sophisticated that it will know who is sat in the rear and it will cause all sorts of problems if you just remove the seats. Mainly as Mercedes have said so that it will activated the rear air bags in an accident if needed. I suppose the reason being that if there is no one sat there is saves that much damage and repair work to the car if its involved in an accident.

Have a look at the F15 BMW X5 as those seats appear to fold properly still.
I agree quavey, some cars are just becoming too complicated - I'm not sure about a BMW. I've had Range Rovers now for the last 7 years and they're a hard habit to break.

Thanks also for your reply bitnix, I will look at the LWB, do you think the seats may fold differently, or are you thinking the extra internal space may make a difference to how the seat sit when folded?
No idea about the LWB but if you throwing G-Class money about probably worth a shot since they might have something different that will actually suit you. Hope it works.

Just look at your sales dude jaw drop when you tell him I want the LWB L405 haha. They might need to get you one from China!
I would have thought the simple solution was the dogs laying down. Or not sitting right behind the passenger seats, as the boot space will remain several inches lower.
Or is that me just being logical?
Yes. Even they don't have bums so big they can't sit in the boot area.
Not sure why they can't fit in an L405 if they fit in an L322.
What's the point of a Range Rover with limited carrying capacity? They've lost the plot!
@ gold rover,
I'd imagine that, if there are two of them spread out across the whole back of the car, why would you pay so much cash to change to something where they're penned in to only half the space they're used to? You might easily wind up with some "dog politics" if they are not used to being so close together too!

@ Grrrrrr,
It's not LR that's lost the plot, it's the customers. If you read the reviews, reviewers are usually so ignorant that they think tipping forward seat squabs are somehow "dated" and don't understand that you need that to get a flat load space and low loading height.
Many customers at this end of the market (when the cars are new) don't seem to comprehend the benefits either and only see something that can't be folded electrically.
Only a complete idiot would buy one. I know, I just have! :D
Fortunately, I don't carry loads like I used to, so I can live with it, but I'd rather I didn't have to.

PS: oddly, it's not as small inside as it looks; the rubber mat that I've just bought for it is no shorter and slightly wider than the one for the D4! It's just that the headroom is a bit sh*t

PPS: this is Landyzone, not CBeebies; has the word "****" really been put in the swear filter?!
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I wasn't for a moment suggesting they only have the boot space. My thinking is that only the seat area is raised by a few inches, therefore when sitting, they can sit on the x amount of footage in the boot area. However, they would still be able to lay down in the whole area, as a few inches makes no difference to a dog when laying across something. Have you seen some of the shapes and positions they get in :eek::D Even more so if the owner puts some foam, or soft blanket, from a couple of inches into the boot floor to the seat. __/----- A bit like that, please excuse how crappy the graphics are :D

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