You are probably right "gold rover" I guess im just trying to put off the inevitable, I know I should but checking around the spec and extras I got for the money are un heard of so I was hoping it would be a quick and easy fix as im sure the deal will just accept it back for a full refund and carry on, looking around on auto trader etc similar spec with all the goodies would be miles away and extra mileage and then may still end up with air ride issue etc so I guess im just a little concerned about letting go to my first range (yes i know its stupid and probably costly but i dont know any better at the moment, previously had a jag had all the same it will cost you and it will be a money pit stories and yet the money pit was correct I still loved every minute in it)
Doesn't need to be a refund. Get them to fix it.
Addit: Taking on a faulty Range Rover will cost you more , in the very short long run, than paying more for a non broken one.
You have rights as a consumer to be sold a vehicle fit for purpose, yours obviously is not. So take it back, tell them to fix it and Bob's your auntie's brother.

P.s your jag money pit will look like a shell scrape compared to an L322, if you start messing about when you don't have to. Save your money, time and effort for once your legal rights have expired.
You are correct separate from the warranty I have normal consumer rights that gives me so many days from purchase I understand to return and expect a fix or a refund is that correct?
You are correct separate from the warranty I have normal consumer rights that gives me so many days from purchase I understand to return and expect a fix or a refund is that correct?

Yep. However, if you are happy with it and it just has a fault, go down the fix it route before any mention of take it back and give me my money. Again, save that for when you have to use it. Don't give them an easy out. There is a thread on here somewhere, I think it's titles 'bought a lemon', which is a handy read.
If your dealer is a good guy, they'll have no issues fixing it. If they play silly beggars phone citizens advice, who can put you in touch with trading standards. However, fingers crossed they're an upfront, honest lot and just sort it.
Thanks Gold much appreciate the advice ive had here already, top forum. Have not even had confirmation of warranty so have emailed the dealer outlining the issues and just asked what they are prepared to do. Lets see what they say
I know trading standards etc wont touch them unless they are unreasonable in resolving my issues so give them a chance and see what happens
This is what I posted to the dealer:

I’m having some issues with the Range Rover I purchased from you and wanted to make you aware, I have had no solid confirmation from the warranty people that I have a 3 month warranty as discussed:

  • On delivery all four tyres were very under inflated for my 50 mile drive home
  • Spare is punctured with low tread
  • Rear wiper and washer housing missing
  • Parking sensors inactive
  • Front left headlight wiper not working
  • Air con not working
  • Fan/heating/cooling not working
  • Tapping noise from under engine bay
  • TV not working as analogue not digital (nothing mentioned in AD about that)
  • Compass on 4x4 screen in-active
  • Venture cam as advertised not working
  • No LR tool kit
  • No owners manual
  • Rear O/S light full of condensation and wont shift
  • Heated steering wheel wont work
  • Heated Drivers seat wont work
  • Lo Ratio switch missing a cover (as mentioned on purchase)
  • Air suspension inactive warning on dash (advised by yourselves it would be ok and go up and down however wont go up or down and remains at standard height with dash message
  • Coolant level low continuous despite being mentioned on test and assured it would be fixed
  • Front and rear seat passenger cigarette lighters do not work
  • On separate occasions vehicle has began spluttering and not exceeded 30 miles per hour trying to return home not engine, not gear box but perhaps sensor or air or fuel related as per consultant from LR
  • Most of these were claimed as being add ons or accessories on the Auto trader page and website and have not been operational.

Have contacted Warranty2000 who will not confirm I even have a warranty with them despite being advised from M&A that I did.

Please confirm what you are prepared to do to rectify these issues.
Jeez dude! Didn't you check the vehicle over before driving it off the forecourt? I get you not realising it wasn't pulling away properly until you drove it a bit, but some of the others are a bit obvious
As for tyre pressures, I'd be embarrassed to put that as a complaint, that's your responsibility as a driver.

Oh and in case no-one told you , analogue tv has been switched off in the UK.
Mate one the test the tyres were inflated, and the issue I mentioned with the spluttering and air/fuel mixture (if thats what it is) was non existant on the test drive, the air suspension inac was but they said it would be fixed and the rest was only noted on living with it over time
Ok I admit perhaps I was a little overwhelmed with the thought of actually getting a range rover after so long and I may have been a little laxed on some things but when you buy from a deal you expect what is stated in the description to be at least marginally accurate
In case I got this wrong. Did you go to the garage/ a garage and pick up the vehicle, then drive it home. Was this several days after the test? Did you check the vehicle over before driving it away?
Perhaps if it was my 2nd or 3 RR I would be better equipped but as it happened it would appear not in this instance but I dont think its fair or right (especially considering the time) that they can fail to act upon these issues? Perhaps im wrong do you agree?
Yes I went to a garage, for test, then several days later I returned to collect and drive away. Yes I checked the usual lights, horn, brakes etc... admittedly I didnt check the tyres however I would have thought as a duty of care to a customer that would be a usual check for the dealer as I have never had that issue previously with AUDI, JAGUAR, VAUXHALL, FORD or indeed private dealerships
Perhaps if it was my 2nd or 3 RR I would be better equipped but as it happened it would appear not in this instance but I dont think its fair or right (especially considering the time) that they can fail to act upon these issues? Perhaps im wrong do you agree?

Sorry but no I don't agree. I think you are confusing two issues, what you should have done on receipt and what their responsibilities are once You complain. You should have checked over the vehicle, before driving off. Never assume.
I'm not sure why it matters that it is your first RR it's not your first vehicle. You must've checked vehicles before on purchase. I'm not trying to be horrible but some of the onus has to be on you for accepting a vehicle with known faults. Yes they now have to fix them but had you checked it thoroughly, or refused to accept until they fixed faults already found, you wouldn't have such a long list now.
I am not trying to put a downer on your nice new toy , and hopefully they will fix everything but maybe be slightly less emotive about it when you contact them.
If you haven't sent that email yet, do a quick edit 're the tyres and the tv. You don't want them thinking the way I did ...........and you don't want to know what I thought :) :D
Yes I went to a garage, for test, then several days later I returned to collect and drive away. Yes I checked the usual lights, horn, brakes etc... admittedly I didnt check the tyres however I would have thought as a duty of care to a customer that would be a usual check for the dealer as I have never had that issue previously with AUDI, JAGUAR, VAUXHALL, FORD or indeed private dealerships

No need to shout ;)
The reason I asked about test drive and going back is several fold. Had it been dry until pick up, is there a chance with the weather and lack of use, the condensation issue hadn't been picked up? Is there, unluckily , maybe slow punctures in your tyres and again they weren't aware? Have you checked since inflating them if they have gone down? Etc, etc.
Sorry didn’t realise I had shouted I really didn’t mean to. Yes I totally get what you are saying some of that I should have perhaps investigated myself prior to picking up and I own that, my bad I should have spotted these things and not got caught up in all the things that were ace compared to previous vehicles but I didn’t, I’ll hold my hands up I reverted to a child and was blown away by the tech and shiney things, bad I know however it is what it is so I need to rectify in the best way possible. Agreed as a buyer I should have been more aware however as a dealer I feel they should really have not advertised the vehicle as having all these items if many were non functional?

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