I do have sense humour, at first it was a ejoke now it's getting boring. Plus 50k evoque/ejoke/not real isn't a cheap motor imo but guess we have rich folks on here that are driving there 80k RR sports and vouges offroad and at p&p's.

I know u like that one ejoke uh uh :p

In all seriousness, do yourself a favour and stop biting. We all take the mickey out of each other. You, unfortunately have given us the ammo to shoot at you with and you keep giving. Just take this one on the chin go have a coffee, a deep breath and a laugh at getting worked up over idiots on the internet, then come back, have a trawl around and see how are. You'll see it's not personal.
Also did you get it on diagnostics? Did it find it if you did?
No it sorted it's self out thank duck and if it comes across like I'm gettin my Knicks in a twist I'm not, I don't care.
No it sorted it's self out thank duck and if it comes across like I'm gettin my Knicks in a twist I'm not, I don't care.
Maybe it was a bit of dirt on one of them. For future reference it will also squeal like a stuck pig if one of the front ones goes.
As for the missus needing more confidence, take her on one of land rovers off-road days. Or tell her my Mother found Dad's RR easier to drive and park than her own Mini. So much so he had a fight getting it back, when he was home. Might give her the shot she needs ;)
Yea I think it had bird sh!t on one the sensors but You said I'm getting aggressive by swearing all I said was I don't give a **** lol which I don't and I ain't biting it's banter I hear it everyday in my life, you are saying I need chill over something I don't care about but here people clearly do as they are putting specs and stuff up on chassis and other crap I don't care about. End of the day I got nothing but love especially to LR drivers and I appoligise if I'm coming across the wrong way. :)
Sh1t comes out as **** on the screen , therefore looks like something else. Especially as until now I didnt realise that sh1t is blocked by the swear filter.
As for the people on here caring, lots of us do care about our vehs. Some much much more than others. I love my RR and have been a dyed in the wool landy lover since learning to drive in a Series.On the other hand I'm not as knowledgeable or dedicated as some but I always respect those with that knowledge and dedication because without them, my RR and many, many other LRs would not be on the road. So as much though you don't care , please remember you asked for help. were given help, and if anyone on here can help, they will, simply because , they DO care.
Sh1t comes out as **** on the screen , therefore looks like something else. Especially as until now I didnt realise that sh1t is blocked by the swear filter.
As for the people on here caring, lots of us do care about our vehs. Some much much more than others. I love my RR and have been a dyed in the wool landy lover since learning to drive in a Series.On the other hand I'm not as knowledgeable or dedicated as some but I always respect those with that knowledge and dedication because without them, my RR and many, many other LRs would not be on the road. So as much though you don't care , please remember you asked for help. were given help, and if anyone on here can help, they will, simply because , they DO care.
But I don't :) end day to me it's a range I don't care if u think it's a Bugatti and like I said straight away thanks for telling me what problem could be
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Sh1t comes out as **** on the screen , therefore looks like something else. Especially as until now I didnt realise that sh1t is blocked by the swear filter.
As for the people on here caring, lots of us do care about our vehs. Some much much more than others. I love my RR and have been a dyed in the wool landy lover since learning to drive in a Series.On the other hand I'm not as knowledgeable or dedicated as some but I always respect those with that knowledge and dedication because without them, my RR and many, many other LRs would not be on the road. So as much though you don't care , please remember you asked for help. were given help, and if anyone on here can help, they will, simply because , they DO care.

Yes indeed shit does come out as stars. The lord alone knows why when crap and bollocks don't anybody would think the forum was run by nancy boys. ;):D:D
Yea I think this thread ain't really getting anywhere now isit lol end day it's fixed itself so thanks for advice (like i said previously) I still don't care that u think it ain't a Range Rover (like I said previously) and life goes on the same as it did before i started this thread. :p:D
Yea I think this thread ain't really getting anywhere now isit lol end day it's fixed itself so thanks for advice (like i said previously) I still don't care that u think it ain't a Range Rover (like I said previously) and life goes on the same as it did before i started this thread. :p:D
Ok you have confirmed what I had started to think. Good luck with your ejoke. Richard!
Evoque.........I'd love to own one but alas all I can afford is a D1 Tdi and an old Tojo 4 Runner.
I used to rubbish Toyota 4wds until I owned one, it just keeps on going, not as good off road as the Disco, but as I said it just keeps going, the Disco consumes a bit of repair time, but it keeps me out of the pub, they all have pros and cons.
Maybe in 15 years time when there are a lot more second hand Evoques about over here I'll buy a "fixer upper" and then I'll have the pleasure of owning a vehicle that I really like the look of, only then will I be able to pass judgement on it.
I'll also be 80 something and not really be able to remember why I bought it
Evoque.........I'd love to own one but alas all I can afford is a D1 Tdi and an old Tojo 4 Runner.
I used to rubbish Toyota 4wds until I owned one, it just keeps on going, not as good off road as the Disco, but as I said it just keeps going, the Disco consumes a bit of repair time, but it keeps me out of the pub, they all have pros and cons.
Maybe in 15 years time when there are a lot more second hand Evoques about over here I'll buy a "fixer upper" and then I'll have the pleasure of owning a vehicle that I really like the look of, only then will I be able to pass judgement on it.
I'll also be 80 something and not really be able to remember why I bought it
At least your honest and open, that's refreshing on this site!
At least one recent poster in this thread screams closet fancier of Landrovers jewelled handbag, and it ain't the OP.

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