Hi just to let you know change water pump no change it is still boiling up and now doing it with out towing caravan now i am thinking of trying to tighting up head bolts and see what happens

DO NOT attempt to tighten head bolts. They are tightened in a very specific way in five stages. Trying to do that would end in tears. If the head gasket is duff, it's duff. Nothing will change that other than a new one.
Probably should do a sniff test before taking the head off. If it shows combustion gases on the coolant and if the head gasket is solid that can only mean bad, bad news...
Hi again i am at my witts end now still overheating when towing caravan any suggestions thanks in advance as i have done all the above thanks in advance
So you have changed water pump radiator thermostat v / fan what about belt tensioner and belt rave does state to check . If all these have been changed and checked you have enough water no air then there can't be any thing else .
Just brought a good head as the old head was to far gone to be welded i hope this cure it i will keep you posted

Got to ask. How 'good' is 'good'?
If it was second hand then I'd be asking the seller some awkward questions.


The rad has got a central baffle and is not sludged up at the bottom and externally clean allowing a good air flow.
The air con (if fitted) rad is externally clean, again allowing good air flow.
The viscous fan is operating correctly.
The water pump is operating and hasn't fallen apart
The drive belt tensioner, and belt, are in good nick and doing their jobs so that the water pump is actually pumping.
The stat is operating correctly. You can run this engine without one. It will run cold but it proves the point.
The trickle pipe back to the tank is clear.

If you're confident of all of those then my money is on the head.
Take the STAT out and run without and see what happens and check the RAD gets hot all over.
The only thing it can be if only when towing its either a crap rad or your fan is duff or you belt is slipping or your head is bad,water pump and stat would play up all the time not just when towing
Take it up the steepest hill you can find see if it gets hot .
It should if there is a propblem

The caravan are the brakes binding or ajusted incorrectly.

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