would you care to elaborate?:doh:

see above, i'd also like to hear you explanation as to how a paramedic is best qualified to gauge (or as you say diagnose) if a person is a "freeloader"

simply because they are "non national" and rent the house does that mean they are all to be labeled wrongly based on some numpties overly judgmental view ?
I am Sure when Irish Medic attends a serious RTC, where a whole family is killed by a Driver, without, a licence, insurance, tax..and say oh i cant aford those things... You dont need them from where i come from .........bollox.... I see too many people every day get shafted by scum that buck the system... Get off mi soap box now

ok so a family who rents a house are now freeloaders

and because a vehicle gets knocked you are using the above to argue your case

right, i can see am not going to win this one
why should anyone give a fook about anyone or anything then ?
most folk dont mate.we all know you know your stuff,you just act the simpleton now and again,just get on with your life and feck the rest.
ok so a family who rents a house are now freeloaders

and because a vehicle gets knocked you are using the above to argue your case

right, i can see am not going to win this one

How about if your motor was smacked? you wouldnt be so coy then would you:mad::mad::mad:
A Paramedic person would be judged as a person with sound mind that can make a decision that normal comon rationale person could make... i-e like a Jury... I believe he would know the attitude of his neighbour, and in the best position to give HIS opinion...Renting, no problem, but WHO is paying the rent etc?????
A Paramedic person would be judged as a person with sound mind that can make a decision that normal comon rationale person could make... i-e like a Jury... I believe he would know the attitude of his neighbour, and in the best position to give HIS opinion...Renting, no problem, but WHO is paying the rent etc?????

The ****ing tax payer!! while people who were born in uk/ireland get basically told to **** off!! rant off.
wake up folks not all renters are freeloading

come down my way. load of them move to my estate.......4days later 2new cars on the ****ing drive. yet took me 4years to save for my s6.

stop being a "fart in a trance" and so nieve.
I didn't mean to be the cause of any inhouse fighting. Sean, your right to a point, not all renter's are freeloading but & it's a big but, the majority of non nationals especially coming into Ireland are getting everything for nothing off the government. This in turn annoys the f*** out of people like myself who work damn hard to provide for our families. I have no problem what so ever with anyone who is prepared to work & pay their way.
I didn't mean to be the cause of any inhouse fighting. Sean, your right to a point, not all renter's are freeloading but & it's a big but, the majority of non nationals especially coming into Ireland are getting everything for nothing off the government. This in turn annoys the f*** out of people like myself who work damn hard to provide for our families. I have no problem what so ever with anyone who is prepared to work & pay their way.

dont worry about it i/m.this is just the normal little spat.it will blow over soon enough.hope your motor gets fixed soon though.;)
i.m. just an idea ...since your opening thread and the reaction etc... I hear theres an opening as minister for defence :D fancy a change ?
BTW... If a person that has just caused damage to a motor vehicle, .. Then just laughs it off, shows a lack of responsibility in society, ..Reminds me of the time when the Goverment gave new settlers in th UK £3000 to take driving lessons......FFS.. Tax payers coughing up our hard earned ...

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