Ooh thank you there is one near me actually & it looks like it's open today I'll order that and give it a go. Hopefully the old lass will fire up today

They would not be my first choice, but when needs must. For a battery I would normally use tayna to get one in 24hrs.

Make sure you know what size battery you need ,physically and cca / Ah, do not rely on there website to tell you, as i have heard stories of it being wrong on certain vehicles.

I know I've already bought one the chump at Pages told me would do it but won't lol

I'm taking the handbook and the spec goldrover said I needed too and I'm not budging without them!
I know I've already bought one the chump at Pages told me would do it but won't lol

I'm taking the handbook and the spec goldrover said I needed too and I'm not budging without them!
Make sure you get a refund for the one the 'sweetheart', at Andrew Pages, incorrectly sold you.
Diesel, it's come up with 1260 dealer error code & there's no pressure building up according to the mechanic who scanned it
Any chance the immobiliser is not playing cos you changed batteries?
It's a TD6, first port of call secondary fuel pump.... Get someone to put ignition on whilst you put you ears just infront of the N/S/R wheel you should hear it priming for 5 seconds or so..... If it's not it's most likely fecked.

So I put the old Bosch battery on charge yesterday and still no joy today, I did however notice when I was looking round that the interior lights seemed to have been set to being permanently on. I'm guessing this might have happened last week when I first encountered the problem & I was out there in the dark, so over the course of a week they could well have tipped an already on its way out battery over the edge.

The old battery is showing as fully charged but I've no way to test if it's got bad cells I'm just guessing, I'm hoping Euro carparts up the road is open so I can try a more powerful battery in it. Fingers crossed that's the problem

Hi Sarah

Did you ever get to the bottom off your issue?



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