It’s worth asking JPAT as well if they have one or email them and get a quote see how their price compares to Sussex.
Good point I had forgot about JPAT, collecting the parts from Phil tomorrow so I will be able to confirm if Phil is indeed real or if he is a messenger from some higher power sent to help us mere mortals!!
You won't get any more discount.:)
Phil's help and expertise is all the discount Anyone needs as it’s makes it possible for complete numptys like me to tackle these kind of jobs ourselves, otherwise I would have to pay for a recon box which would be a lot more money and of course you never really know what your getting, this way I know I’m getting the right parts and can take my time and make sure it’s all done properly, can wait to pull the old girl apart tomorrow
Phil's help and expertise is all the discount Anyone needs as it’s makes it possible for complete numptys like me to tackle these kind of jobs ourselves
I hope you ARE referring to me in that quote :)
My transmission has been working perfectly since the rebuild and i would not have had the confidence to even begin the job without reading up on Phil's work and without his assistance when doing it there is no way i would have completed it.
The man epitomises all that I believe makes a great British Engineer.
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What did you decide on as to how to get the RR up in the air?
something i have learnt in more recent projects is to photograph everything along the way, no matter how obvious it may seem at the time and bag and label all your bits. i know this isn't your first more involved project but I still forget.
Not long now ........ now i know what Alan's gynecologist has to deal with :eek:

iphone 756.jpg

This might help

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Goes without saying that all trainee 5HP24 rebuilders are required to generate a full measurement report for the clutch packs, bushes and end floats. I look forward to seeing it, Pete.









Happy days !!, which reminds me Phil, I was looking for some old wheel bolts in my many boxes of RR bits and i found the end float shims you sent me that i hadn't used and promised i would return. Are you still at the same address ?
I can't remember what those numbers mean but they are not phone numberso_O
What did you decide on as to how to get the RR up in the air?
something i have learnt in more recent projects is to photograph everything along the way, no matter how obvious it may seem at the time and bag and label all your bits. i know this isn't your first more involved project but I still forget.
Not long now ........ now i know what Alan's gynecologist has to deal with :eek:

View attachment 134910

This might help

View attachment 134907
That looks like the pages of your copy of Readers Wife's.
Update, sadly things went a t*ts up yesterday, didn’t get quite as far as I would have liked as my wifes car broke down so had to go and rescue her and sort her car out! Typical! However - I did manage to get the heat shields off and the exhaust out and the props off but that was as far as I got, I did notice that it looks as though the rear prop uv joint has let go in the past as the heat shield, plastic tank cover has been chewed up and the tank itself has a sizeable dent in it so looks as though the prop has has come loose in the past and had a good thrash about, or it could be an old off road war wound, I was quite surprised at how easily the exhaust came off and in general everything went fairly straight forward I think however they may have removed the exhaust when they replaced the starter motor as this was done just before I bought the car, so that would explain why it came off with such ease. I didn’t manage to get to Phil’s yesterday as I had to pick my step daughter up from a weekend away that didn’t end entirely as she had planned!!:rolleyes: Don’t ask! But I am going to collect the parts from Phil today and then tonight - no matter what the box is coming out! And the TC is being collected tomorrow!
Oh with regards to the TC both JPAT and Sussex don’t have them ‘on the shelf’. I have decided to have JPAT do the rebuild they are a bit more expensive but I got a better ‘vibe’ from them (they seemed more willing to help and explained the process etc) JPAT is £250 plus vat and that includes all courier costs and Sussex was £195 plus vat but you have to sort your own courier so for the few extra quid decided to Go with the company that seemed to be more clued up on what to do...... my decision may have also been swayed by Phils pics of the JPAT converters!
JPAT certainly know what they are doing and when Sussex did mine I don’t think they had been doing it long but all went ok. Phil has used JPAT for years I believe and speaks highly of them and I got all my transfer box bits from them when I needlessly refurbished that.
It is surprising how quickly the big lumps of RR come off but remember gravity is currently your friend ...
JPAT certainly know what they are doing and when Sussex did mine I don’t think they had been doing it long but all went ok. Phil has used JPAT for years I believe and speaks highly of them and I got all my transfer box bits from them when I needlessly refurbished that.
It is surprising how quickly the big lumps of RR come off but remember gravity is currently your friend ...
Until it comes to putting it back.
Good job I didn't turn up with my deck chair and flask then.:(
You would have been very disappointed!! However your welcome to come now, I am about to venture under and remove the box by candle light.... well my led torch, but near enough same thing! no choice as have to couriers coming for the TC first thing tomorrow! Got stuck in the worst traffic jam on the way home! 2 hours of not moving! :mad:
JPAT certainly know what they are doing and when Sussex did mine I don’t think they had been doing it long but all went ok. Phil has used JPAT for years I believe and speaks highly of them and I got all my transfer box bits from them when I needlessly refurbished that.
It is surprising how quickly the big lumps of RR come off but remember gravity is currently your friend ...
Yeah Jpat were great on the phone and come highly recommend by Phil, yeah I was surprised how quickly I got to the bare bones under the car but tonight is time for the big lump... if you don’t hear from me tomorrow......

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