
Active Member
The engine was not noisy or tapping bu i prefer to clean an inspect the 2 rockers shaft that seems to be original (130 000 miles).
I wonder if i can grind gently (sans paper 1000) the arm and the rockers...
IMG_4513 (1).jpg
Hard to tell but those rockers look quite worn, i certainly wouldn't sand the soft metal.
I replaced mine, it wasn't expensive at all. Just swap the springs and pillars
Hard to tell but those rockers look quite worn, i certainly wouldn't sand the soft metal.
I replaced mine, it wasn't expensive at all. Just swap the springs and pillars
The problem is that i should change all stuff , shaft and rockers with OEM or nothing (as camshaft with lifters)
One pad after very soft grinding...
What do you think ? still usable ?View attachment 301639
You have had a recommendation from a very experienced member.
For me, I wouldn't take the risk. Many years ago I had an inline 6 vauxhal senator and it used to snap rockers for fun because the play allowed an element of slap which took longer for the hydraulic lifters to compensate for.
Once all the rockers, fulcrums and camshaft were replaced the issue stopped. They were steel rockers.
Do you really want to take that chance?
You had no problem, but took it apart?:vb-confused2:
now you are asking if ”this is fine”
Visually no it’s not.
cleaning a bit of tarnish of a rocker pad that still shows a ridge afterwards.
unless you know the tolerances between rocker shaft and rocker bush without measurements then I can’t gauge the wear.

what I am trying to say is you now question the condition of what you have so give it another 130k, if you hadn’t taken it apart it would be fine, but if you now put it back as it is you will remember this thread if it goes wrong 🤔

oh and don’t forget the springs, and the correct order to put them back together.

You had no problem, but took it apart?:vb-confused2:
now you are asking if ”this is fine”
Visually no it’s not.
cleaning a bit of tarnish of a rocker pad that still shows a ridge afterwards.
unless you know the tolerances between rocker shaft and rocker bush without measurements then I can’t gauge the wear.

what I am trying to say is you now question the condition of what you have so give it another 130k, if you hadn’t taken it apart it would be fine, but if you now put it back as it is you will remember this thread if it goes wrong 🤔

oh and don’t forget the springs, and the correct order to put them back together.

Don't forget shims on the pillars too, if needed
In fact i began to change the intake gasket...then i saw that the cam had pitted spots (so new cam and lifters) and the rocker arm really dirty on...
i try to do the things in order and take my time...
The rockers are still the genuine ones and i know new good ones are quite expensive todays.
If i try to rebuid them, i certainly mesure the gaps and put shims required...

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