
New Member
I just bought a set of Honda civic leather seats for my 90,
Iv just realised they have built in side airbags!
I need to mod the base to make them fit.
Now I'm scared I'll die via an airbag explosion if I try welding them.
Anyone know how to make them safe/ remove them without dying?
I know it's random to ask about civic seats here but I'm stuck on this one!
After careful thought I'm gonna blow them.
Then glue the panel back in place.
At least I know they can't go off then!
Poke em with a pointy stick?

Sorry no idea really, the air bags are set of in various ways in different cars, normally triggered by the seat belt whats name in the seat I think, you could always try plugging a belt in to them and giving it a good yank?

No idea if they will still work if not plumbed into the cars electrickery though
It's got a yellow twin core wire, just going to add a current and see what happens!

Your get hurt, leave plugs alone

it can be done safely , connect the wires to a LONG it of two core , go around the other side of the seat away from the air bag at least 6ft away then connect to a battery , make sure the seat is secure or weighted down to avoid it moving

you WILL jump when it goes off but its perfectly safe done this way
Be very careful, they are officially called explosives. Most cars have a red plastic clip mounted next to the capsule. It's for the emergency services to disable them as they cut you out. They are reasonably safe if not connected.

Search youtube for drunk Russians & airbag!
Well I joined the wires to a car battery via a long piece of twin core and safely disposed of the airbags. Cut the bags off and tucked the panels back in, job done
Got the passenger seat fitted, great improvement comfort wise.

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