nah, mines spelt iorrectly. anyway, yer wanna get yer gang o tossers up here to do some proper lanes, tek in a bit o camping as well ;)
Hey, yeah, let's organise a trip. Shouldn't be too difficult! :rolleyes:

Ive seen this before me finks.........easiest way to organise it sort out a date. Get a huge car transporter and go round nicking everyone tractors the day before and dump em where the camp site is. Guarenteed turnout might even get some blue flashing light provided for the party on the night:cool:
On second thought daft would need the transporter anyway so mebe he should organise it
Right the best place I can think of to meet up for the little drive around Surrey would be Newlands Corner visitors centre to the East of Guildford,-0.50713|16|4&loc=GB:51.2365:-0.5703:14|guildford|Guildford

Good sized car park and a visitors centre. Might be a lot of bikes there though.
Meet at 10am?
All the lanes are within a few miles of there, and one of them is actually in the car park!
If you all ping me a private message with your mobilly numbers then we can keep in touch in case of engine failures etc

Nice one Pat. Sounds good to me. Daft, Adz & HB have me, tho' Daft still looks like passengerring at the mo'! PM'd it to yuz.

Channel 10 fer anyone wiv CeeBees.
why do you guys have to lane so far over the east. cant you organise a salisbury plain ramble? or if i made one, would you lot come along? or is it too far?

Nope, Hippos & Slitty's are only ever allowed if they dunt mind fekin up their paint/bodywork & funnerly enuff I wuz thinking about Salisbury way fer the next meet as it goes.

Ain't that far down the 303 & there's some choice stuff down that way.
yer, i got some good circular routes of the plain on memory map. could organise something for the southern crew ;) in the near future.