
Well-Known Member
hello all
my good but bad old 72 s3 swb petrol recently became a bit problematic on the gear changing front, I had problems getting it into gear whilst driving, almost like the master slave cylinder had gone (had it replaced 2 or so years ago), topped up it with clutch fluid, drove home found the same issue, so dropped off at the mechanics, he found no issues without major dismantlement, I drove it home 3 miles ok, was it a resolved spasm or summat else?
Have you checked the gear lever housing itself for wear and tear. Are you able to do double clutch. If the mechanic says he couldn't find the problem try another garage to confirm your concerns.
Have you checked the gear lever housing itself for wear and tear. Are you able to do double clutch. If the mechanic says he couldn't find the problem try another garage to confirm your concerns.
thanks for that, no not checked the housing for wear and tear, how do I do that? this garage has been good and not charge me for their inspections, I am not far from s specialist but they charge maga big bucks

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