If it's not running then it can only be 3 things- Fuel, air or spark. You need to make sure that you have fuel to the injectors (or at least the regulator) and that you have a good spark. Pull a plug and ground it (the folks here call it earth instead of ground) while the engine is cranked and look for a a bright white, not yellow, spark. When you pull the plug, you may find it wet. That'll tell you if you have fuel. If it is really wet, that may be the starting problem. If so, clean and dry your plugs.

After discerning whether you have spark and gas, you move on to air. MAF and such.

Give me 5 min..
Doing it all now
Anyone who buys beer or milk in pints has no right to complain about someone using quarts - even if they're not the same as our quarts. In the USA they also use liters (having adopted the metric system in 1875 - it's just taking a while to catch on). They're the same as our litres, just spelt wrongly.

No idea why your engine won't run, though.
Ok I checked all the fuel lines.
In this order from the fuel filter it's flowing
Followed that line to the engine; flow slows to a drip
Unclipped the return line; nothing came out 'except' a noticeable spurt of air.

Do I need a fuel pump?
It's possible. With a new filter in, that eliminates a clog. I'd check spark for just grins. Also, disconnect the outlet of the filter and have someone turn the ignition to the "On" position and see if the pump squirts anything through the filter.
It's possible. With a new filter in, that eliminates a clog. I'd check spark for just grins. Also, disconnect the outlet of the filter and have someone turn the ignition to the "On" position and see if the pump squirts anything through the filter.

Apologies.. The oil filter was replaced, not the fuel.

Although, with the ignition ON fuel did flow through the filter; as well as off.
if its anything like my diesel, you have to prime the injector pump after changing the fuel filter... loosen off the fuel line into the injector and see if fuel seeps out. (probably not best practice, but as the engine is cold...)
Pull a plug and see if it's wet. If you've got fuel and you've been cranking on it, the plugs should be soaked. If they are, the vehicle will not start.

I repeat, pull a plug.
What if their dry?
Pulled 2.. I do see carbon but no fuel!
Can you send video or still photos on the form?

If they're dry after cranking then you've got no fuel getting to the cylinders.....that's your problem.

Don't know petrols but suspect filter and/or pump
If your pump is working you should have seen a very noticeable surge of fuel when the ignition was turned on. If it was just dribbling , that doesn't count. No surge, no pump. If you can still hear the pump, and no surge, it's the pump, or less likely, but still possible, your tank isn't venting properly.

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