Iver Heath is indeed near Sluff.. Sounds like fun. I can probly have decided what to wair and sorted me hair and make up by 10. If I set me alarm early...
yu seem to furget yu two guys that Hybrid and me is already, erm, well, cough! erm summat;)

but I am sure that Adz will enjoy the company. That reminds me - is yu bringin yo tractor, Hybrid - or yu helpin Adz find his way, poor luv :D
think marcus is worried incase i have bollix! And therefore bigger bollix than he does!

ooooo!! - thems fightin talks thems - i seen Mucus - I wud rather he wuz on my side than tother.

yu folks been outside recently? - i hope yu got yas climate control fully working - its a bit parky:D
i fink he can be - i fink the two heads and the claws have summat to do wiv it. But he is a pussycat compared wiv adz!

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