
New Member
Funny and embarrasing at he same time but everytime I hit water puddles (big ones mind!!!) the battery lights comes on and I lose power steering and the engines needs about 20-30 seconds to come back to life. Its always when the water puddles are on the left hand side. Surely it cannot be that water hits the belts and they slips? Or is it? I checked all the electricals on the left hand side and nothing looks loose or uncovered. Anyone had the same problem? Its getting a bit embarrasing when you drive a Disco and people in front of you with Micras go full blast throught them rain puddles and I have to drive around to avoid the water. :confused:
might be easyer to make a plate to mount in lower eng bay to stop water coming in off front wheel ??aint got to worry about clearance then.
might be easyer to make a plate to mount in lower eng bay to stop water coming in off front wheel ??aint got to worry about clearance then.

Thats a point.....good exchuse to get a steering guard!!

I'm assuming 200's dont come with plastic covers under the engines/sump?
I have the same deal with my Fender (200TDi) although I just gun it a bit and it picks up again without cutting out. Would a steering guard do much to help does anyone know?
I had the same problem, cured it by fitting two new belts, even though the old one's looked ok. fit a decent make, like gates.
Thanks for all your great ideas. I've changed the belts not long ago so I might try the spray stuff. Then if that doesn't work I'lll look into putting some kind of plate under the arches. Or maybe I'll make the first ever belt hard cover!!! I'll keep you posted. Cheers

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